# # File : xwhep.bridgesg2dg.pm # Version : 0.1 # Created : Oct 30th, 2006 # Modified : July, 22nd, 2010 # Author : Oleg Lodygensky (lodygens _a_t_ lal dot in2p3 dot fr) # CNRS - IN2P3 - LAL # Purpose : this script binds XtremWeb-HEP as Globus scheduler # this script is called by Globus GateKeeper # so that EGEE can gain access to XtremWeb-HEP ressources # # Installation : this script must be installed in a glite UI # in the directory # /opt/globus/lib/perl/Globus/GRAM/JobManager # # Usage : # $> voms-proxy-init --voms vo.lal.in2p3.fr # # $> globus-job-run xw2.lal.in2p3.fr/jobmanager-fork /usr/bin/whoami # $> globus-job-run xw2.lal.in2p3.fr/jobmanager-pbs /usr/bin/whoami # $> globus-job-run xw2.lal.in2p3.fr/jobmanager-pbs -q lal /usr/bin/whoami # $> cd ~/globus/ # $> edg-job-submit -r xw2.lal.in2p3.fr:2119/jobmanager-pbs-lal WhoAmI.jdl # $> edg-job-status https://grid09.lal.in2p3.fr:9000/wG_tQ7qIbS8dl81jiqbIxQ # # $> mkdir ~/JobOutput # $> cd ~/JobOutput/ # $> edg-job-get-output https://grid09.lal.in2p3.fr:9000/wG_tQ7qIbS8dl81jiqbIxQ # $> cd lodygens_wG_tQ7qIbS8dl81jiqbIxQ/ # $> more std.out # # use Globus::GRAM::Error; use Globus::GRAM::JobState; use Globus::GRAM::JobManager; use Globus::Core::Paths; use XML::Parser; use XML::Dumper; use Data::Dumper; use Config; use Cwd; use File::Copy; # NOTE: This package name must match the name of the .pm file!! package Globus::GRAM::JobManager::xtremweb; @ISA = qw(Globus::GRAM::JobManager); ############################################################ # # variable definitions # ############################################################ my ($JAVA_HOME, $JAVA_BINDIR, $XWROOTDIR, $XWBINDIR, $XWCFGDIR, $xwsubmit, $xwstat, $xwresult, $xwdelete); my %workAttributes; ############################################################ # # This sets variable values # ############################################################ BEGIN { $JAVA_HOME = "/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_08" || $ENV{JAVA_HOME} || $ENV{JAVA_INSTALL_PATH}; $JAVA_BINDIR = $JAVA_HOME."/bin"; $XWROOTDIR = "/opt/XtremWeb-1.7.0"; $XWBINDIR = "$XWROOTDIR/bin"; $XWCFGDIR = "$XWROOTDIR/conf"; $xwsubmit = "$XWBINDIR/xwsubmit"; $xwstat = "$XWBINDIR/xwstatus"; $xwresult = "$XWBINDIR/xwresult"; $xwdelete = "$XWBINDIR/xwrm"; } ############################################################ # # This is the constructor # ############################################################ sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); my $log_dir; if(! exists($ENV{GLOBUS_SPOOL_DIR})) { $log_dir = $Globus::Core::Paths::tmpdir; } else { $log_dir = $ENV{GLOBUS_SPOOL_DIR}; } # $self->{xtremweb_logfile} = "$log_dir/gram_xtremweb_log." # . $self->{JobDescription}->uniq_id(); bless $self, $class; return $self; } ############################################################ # # This submits new job to XtremWeb # This retreives job definition from Globus::GRAM::JobDescription # ############################################################ sub submit { my $self = shift; my $description = $self->{JobDescription}; my $tag = $description->cache_tag() || $ENV{GLOBUS_GRAM_JOB_CONTACT}; my $status; my $pbs_job_script; my $pbs_job_script_name; my $errfile = ''; my $job_id; my $rsh_env; my $script_url; my @arguments; my $email_when = ''; my $cache_pgm = "$Globus::Core::Paths::bindir/globus-gass-cache"; my %library_vars; my $command = $xwsubmit; my $result; $self->append_path(\%ENV, 'JAVA_HOME', $JAVA_HOME); $self->nfssync( $description->executable() ) unless $description->executable() eq ''; $self->nfssync( $description->stdin() ) unless $description->stdin() eq ''; open( DESC, '> /tmp/xtremweb-submit.job-description.txt'); print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "# XtremWeb submit #\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# Date : ", `date`,"\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# log file = ", $self->{xtremweb_logfile}, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_BINDIR = ", $JAVA_BINDIR, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_HOME = ", $JAVA_HOME, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_INSTALL_PATH = ", $JAVA_INSTALL_PATH, "\n"; print DESC "# email = ", $description->email_address(), "\n"; print DESC "# queue = ", $description->queue(), "\n"; print DESC "# project = ", $description->project(), "\n"; print DESC "# host count = ", $description->host_count(), "\n"; print DESC "# directory = ", $description->directory(), "\n"; print DESC "# executable = ", $description->executable(), "\n"; my $zipErr = "/tmp/ziperr.txt"; `rm -f $zipErr`; my $zipEnv = ""; if( -d $description->directory()) { $zipEnv="/tmp/toto.zip"; `rm -f $zipEnv`; my $workingDir=$description->directory(); my $currentDir; chomp($currentDir = `pwd`); print DESC "# current dir = $currentDir\n"; chdir($workingDir); my $currentDir2; chomp($currentDir2 = `pwd`); print DESC "# current dir2 = $currentDir2\n"; my $CMD="/usr/bin/zip -r $zipEnv $workingDir/* >> $zipErr 2>&1"; print DESC "# zipping working dir command = $CMD\n"; chomp($result = `$CMD`); my $RC = $?; chdir($currentDir); my $currentDir3; chomp($currentDir3 = `pwd`); print DESC "# current dir3 = $currentDir3\n"; print DESC "# zipping working dir return code = $RC\n"; print DESC "# zipping working dir result = $result\n"; } if( -f $description->executable()) { if($zipEnv eq "") { $zipEnv="/tmp/toto.zip"; `rm -f $zipEnv`; } my $executable=$description->executable(); chomp($result = `file $executable`); my $RC0 = $?; print DESC "# file return code = $RC0\n"; print DESC "# file result = $result\n"; my $executable=$description->executable(); my $executableBasename; chomp($executableBasename = `basename $executable`); my $CMD="/usr/bin/zip -j $zipEnv $executable >> $zipErr 2>&1"; print DESC "# zipping executable command = $CMD\n"; chomp($result = `$CMD`); my $RC = $?; chdir($currentDir); print DESC "# zipping executable return code = $RC\n"; print DESC "# zipping executable result = $result\n"; # # glite executable is always a bash script # $command = "$command bash $executableBasename"; } # @arguments = $description->arguments(); # foreach(@arguments) # { # if(ref($_)) # { # $self->log("# Xtremweb submit argument error"); # return Globus::GRAM::Error::RSL_ARGUMENTS; # } # print DESC "# __arguments__ = ", $_, "\n"; # $command = $command." ".$_; # } if(($description->stdin() ne "") && ($description->stdin() ne "/dev/null")) { if($zipEnv eq "") { $zipEnv="/tmp/toto.zip"; `rm -f $zipEnv`; } print DESC "# stdin = \"", $description->stdin(), "\"\n"; my $stdin=$description->stdin(); my $CMD="/usr/bin/zip -j $zipEnv $stdin >> $zipErr 2>&1"; print DESC "# zipping executable command = $CMD\n"; chomp($result = `$CMD`); my $RC = $?; chdir($currentDir); print DESC "# zipping stdin return code = $RC\n"; print DESC "# zipping stdin result = $result\n"; } else { print DESC "# stdin not defined (or set to /dev/null)\n"; } print DESC "# stdout = ", $description->stdout(), "\n"; print DESC "# stderr = ", $description->stderr(), "\n"; if($zipEnv ne "") { $command = "$command --xwenv $zipEnv"; } print DESC "\n\n"; print DESC "# command = $command\n"; print DESC "\n\n"; chomp($result = `$command`); my $return_code = $?; print DESC "# command return code = $return_code\n"; print DESC "# command result = $result\n"; # return Globus::GRAM::Error::JOBTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED; if($zipEnv ne "") { # `rm -f $zipEnv`; } if($return_code == 0) { print DESC "# successful submit, setting state to PENDING\n"; chomp($job_id = `echo $result | cut -d ' ' -f 1`); print DESC "# job_id = $job_id\n"; close( DESC ); #system("$cache_pgm -cleanup-url $script_url"); $self->log("# Xtremweb submit successful, setting state to PENDING"); return {JOB_ID => $job_id, JOB_STATE => Globus::GRAM::JobState::PENDING }; } #system("$cache_pgm -cleanup-url $tag/pbs_job_script.$$"); $self->log("# Xtremweb submit unsuccessful"); close( DESC ); return Globus::GRAM::Error::INVALID_SCRIPT_REPLY; } ############################################################ # # This method retreives job status from XtremWeb # This retreives job definition from Globus::GRAM::JobDescription # This uses JobDescription->jobid() as the XtremWeb UID # ############################################################ sub poll { my $self = shift; my $description = $self->{JobDescription}; my $job_id = $description->jobid(); my $state; my $status_line; my $exit_code; $self->log("polling job $job_id"); open( DESC, "> /tmp/xtremweb-status.job-description-$job_id.txt"); print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "# XtremWeb status #\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# Date : ", `date`,"\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_BINDIR = ", $JAVA_BINDIR, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_HOME = ", $JAVA_HOME, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_INSTALL_PATH = ", $JAVA_INSTALL_PATH, "\n"; print DESC "# email = ", $description->email_address(), "\n"; print DESC "# queue = ", $description->queue(), "\n"; print DESC "# project = ", $description->project(), "\n"; print DESC "# host count = ", $description->host_count(), "\n"; print DESC "# directory = ", $description->directory(), "\n"; print DESC "# job_id = ", $job_id, "\n"; print DESC "# stdin = ", $description->stdin(), "\n"; print DESC "# stdout = ", $description->stdout(), "\n"; print DESC "# stderr = ", $description->stderr(), "\n"; my $result; $result = (grep($job_id, $self->pipe_out_cmd($xwstat, '--xwformat xml ', $job_id)))[1]; # get the exit code of the qstat command. for info search $CHILD_ERROR # in perlvar documentation. $exit_code = $? >> 8; print DESC "# result = ", $result, "\n"; print DESC "# exit_code = ", $exit_code, "\n"; my $parser = new XML::Parser; $parser->setHandlers( Start => \&xml_startElement, End => \&xml_endElement, Char => \&xml_characterData, Default => \&xml_default); if($exit_code == 5) { $self->log("xwstat unknown UID"); print DESC "# unknown UID \n"; close( DESC); $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::JOB_CANCEL_FAILED; return {JOB_STATE => $state}; } my $data = $parser->parse($result); print DESC "# workAttributes[UID] = ".$workAttributes{'UID'}."\n"; print DESC "# workAttributes[STATUS] = ".$workAttributes{'STATUS'}."\n"; if($workAttributes{'STATUS'} eq "PENDING") { $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::PENDING; print DESC "# set state = PENDING \n"; } elsif($workAttributes{'STATUS'} eq "WAITING") { $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::PENDING; print DESC "# set state = PENDING \n"; } elsif($workAttributes{'STATUS'} eq "ERROR") { $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::JOB_EXECUTION_FAILED; print DESC "# set state = SUSPENDED \n"; } elsif($workAttributes{'STATUS'} eq "RUNNING") { $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::ACTIVE; print DESC "# set state = ACTIVE \n"; } elsif($workAttributes{'STATUS'} eq "COMPLETED") { # $self->log("qstat rc is 153 == Unknown Job ID == DONE"); # $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::DONE; # $self->nfssync( $description->stdout() ) # if $description->stdout() ne ''; # $self->nfssync( $description->stderr() ) # if $description->stderr() ne ''; if($description->stdout() ne '') { my $currentDir; chomp($currentDir = `pwd`); print DESC "# current dir = $currentDir\n"; chdir("/tmp/"); my $currentDir2; chomp($currentDir2 = `pwd`); print DESC "# current dir2 = $currentDir2\n"; my $CMD="$xwresult $job_id"; print DESC "# xwresult command = $CMD\n"; chomp($result = `$CMD`); my $RC = $?; print DESC "# xwresult return code = $RC\n"; if($RC == 0) { chdir($currentDir); my $dirName=$job_id; $dirName=~s/:/_/g; $dirName="/tmp/bash/$dirName"; print DESC "# dirName = $dirName\n"; my $srcFile = "$dirName/stdout.out"; # print DESC "# copy(",$srcFile,",", $description->stdout(),")\n"; # copy($srcFile, $description->stdout()) # or print DESC "# $srcFile cannot be copied.\n"; open(OUPUT, '>> ',$description->stdout()); open (INPUT, $srcFile); my $ligne; while ($ligne = ) { chop ($ligne); print OUTPUT $ligne; } close INPUT; close OUTPUT; } $self->nfssync( $description->stdout() ); } $state = Globus::GRAM::JobState::DONE; print DESC "# set state = DONE \n"; } else { # This else is reached by an unknown response from xtremweb. $self->log("xwstat returned an unknown response. Telling JM to ignore this poll"); print DESC "# set state UNKNOWN \n"; close( DESC); return {}; } print DESC "# poll done... \n"; close( DESC); return {JOB_STATE => $state}; } ############################################################ # # This method cancels job from XtremWeb # This retreives job definition from Globus::GRAM::JobDescription # This uses JobDescription->jobid() as the XtremWeb UID # ############################################################ sub cancel { my $self = shift; my $description = $self->{JobDescription}; my $job_id = $description->jobid(); $self->log("cancel job $job_id"); open( DESC, "> /tmp/xtremweb-remove.job-description-$job_id.txt"); print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "# XtremWeb remove #\n"; print DESC "# **********************#\n"; print DESC "# Date : ", `date`,"\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "#\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_BINDIR = ", $JAVA_BINDIR, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_HOME = ", $JAVA_HOME, "\n"; print DESC "# JAVA_INSTALL_PATH = ", $JAVA_INSTALL_PATH, "\n"; print DESC "# email = ", $description->email_address(), "\n"; print DESC "# queue = ", $description->queue(), "\n"; print DESC "# project = ", $description->project(), "\n"; print DESC "# host count = ", $description->host_count(), "\n"; print DESC "# directory = ", $description->directory(), "\n"; print DESC "# job_id = ", $job_id, "\n"; close (DESC); my $result; $result = (grep($job_id, $self->pipe_out_cmd($xwdelete, $job_id)))[1]; if($? == 0) { return { JOB_STATE => Globus::GRAM::JobState::FAILED } } return Globus::GRAM::Error::JOB_CANCEL_FAILED(); } ############################################################ # # This is the XML parser start element handler # ############################################################ sub xml_startElement { my( $parseinst, $element, %attrs ) = @_; # print "* startElement element = ".$element."\n"; if ($element ne "WORK") { # print "* startElement not work, exiting \n"; return; } %workAttributes = %attrs; # print "* startElement attrs[UID] = ".$attrs{'UID'}."\n"; # print "* startElement attrs[ISSERVICE] = ".$attrs{'ISSERVICE'}."\n"; } ############################################################ # # This is the XML parser end element handler # ############################################################ sub xml_endElement { my( $parseinst, $element ) = @_; # print "* endElement element = ".$element."\n"; } ############################################################ # # This is the XML parser character handler # ############################################################ sub xml_characterData { my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_; if (($tag eq "title") || ($tag eq "summary")) { $data =~ s/\n|\t//g; # print "$data"; } } ############################################################ # # This is the XML parser default handler # ############################################################ sub xml_default { my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_; # you could do something here } 1;