{9} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (simplified) (29 résultats)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

anonyme (29 résultats)

Ticket Résumé Composant Status Résolution Version Type Priorité Modified
#2 test again component1 closed fixed task trivial 07/10/08
#1 test component1 closed fixed defect major 06/25/08
#7 If an XW client presents an X509 certificate, the XW server must challenge it XtremWeb-HEP new defect blocker 11/15/10
#9 Fix XtremWeb plugin for the latest version of the 3G Bridge XtremWeb-HEP new task critical 01/06/11
#10 XtremWeb monitoring by EDGI : Coordination with EDGI JRA1 XtremWeb-HEP new task critical 01/06/11
#24 Installation of a new version of the XtremWeb client should correctly take into account old client configuration files XtremWeb-HEP new defect critical 01/14/11
#6 Each user should be able to get the list of his/her own jobs XtremWeb-HEP new enhancement major 01/07/11
#12 Create XtremWeb description in PLUME XtremWeb-HEP new task major 01/06/11
#29 After xwsendapp, xwapps should display the application implementations available for ALL available CPU types and OS names XtremWeb-HEP new defect major 01/18/11
#13 xwconfigure should ask DB name before DB Admin XtremWeb-HEP new enhancement minor 01/05/11
#22 xwconfigure doesn't re-ask for mysql or hsqldb XtremWeb-HEP new defect minor 01/13/11
#27 Inside XtremWeb client, each 'xw...' script should exec 'xwclient' instead of calling it as a subshell XtremWeb-HEP new enhancement minor 01/19/11
#28 just after xwclean, xwsubmit can't retreive application XtremWeb-HEP new defect minor 01/19/11
#23 xwconfigure doesn't remember memory or disk XtremWeb-HEP new defect trivial 01/19/11
#18 Installation of XtremWeb server should set group=root and set the executable bit only for executable files XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/19/11
#26 The 'xtremweb.client' script should correctly handle the option '--xwverbose' XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect critical 01/19/11
#25 When an X509 proxy is available, XtremWeb client and server should ignore the 'login' variable of the client configuration file XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/14/11
#19 When a new connection request arrives with an unknown certificate, the XtremWeb server must release the connection back to the connections pool XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/14/11
#20 DB setup XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/12/11
#21 server hangs XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect critical 01/11/11
#16 xwversion displays an error XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect trivial 01/11/11
#8 application removal XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/11/11
#17 At startup, the XtremWeb server crashes (perhaps because config file) XtremWeb-HEP closed wontfix defect blocker 01/11/11
#15 At startup, the XtremWeb server must check if the SSL keys have been correctly generated XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 01/07/11
#11 XtremWeb support of ATTIC : Coordination with EDGI JRA1 XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed task critical 01/07/11
#14 At startup, the XtremWeb server must check if the JRE is adequate XtremWeb-HEP closed wontfix defect major 01/07/11
#5 nbjobs not updated XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect minor 10/04/10
#4 xwchmod as admin XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect minor 09/04/08
#3 server can't find any task XtremWeb-HEP closed fixed defect major 07/11/08
Note : consultez TracReports pour obtenir de l'aide sur l'utilisation et la création des rapports.