set title "XWHEP 7.5.0 Vs 7.4.0\nCompleted jobs per minute\n200 TCP handlers" set xlabel "Minutes" set ylabel "Jobs" set encoding iso_8859_1 set key outside #set key 80, 535 #set key 1,3 #set size 1.3,1 set key spacing 1.5 set key width 1.5 #set logscale y #set xdata time #set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" #set format x "%H:%M" set xtics rotate set terminal png set output 'xwhep_750_740_completeds_per_minute.png' #plot 'FILEIN_completeds_per_minute.csv' using 1:3 with lines lt 2 lw 2 title 'Completeds' set output 'xwhep_750_740_completeds_per_minute.png' plot 'csv/xwhep750_TCP200_DB60_1457W_completeds_per_minute.csv' using 3 lt 2 lw 2 title '7.5.0 DB60' with lines,\ 'csv/xwhep750_TCP200_DB120_1466W_completeds_per_minute.csv' using 3 lt 1 lw 2 title '7.5.0 DB120' with lines,\ 'csv/xwhep740_TCP200_DB60_2323W_completeds_per_minute.csv' using 3 lt 3 lw 2 title '7.4.0 DB60' with lines