/* * Copyrights : CNRS * Author : Oleg Lodygensky * Acknowledgment : XtremWeb-HEP is based on XtremWeb 1.8.0 by inria : http://www.xtremweb.net/ * Web : http://www.xtremweb-hep.org * * This file is part of XtremWeb-HEP. * * XtremWeb-HEP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * XtremWeb-HEP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XtremWeb-HEP. If not, see . * */ package xtremweb.client; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.AccessControlException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import xtremweb.common.AppInterface; import xtremweb.common.AppTypeEnum; import xtremweb.common.CPUEnum; import xtremweb.common.CommandLineOptions; import xtremweb.common.CommandLineParser; import xtremweb.common.CommonVersion; import xtremweb.common.DataInterface; import xtremweb.common.DataTypeEnum; import xtremweb.common.GroupInterface; import xtremweb.common.Logger; import xtremweb.common.LoggerLevel; import xtremweb.common.MD5; import xtremweb.common.MileStone; import xtremweb.common.OSEnum; import xtremweb.common.SessionInterface; import xtremweb.common.StatusEnum; import xtremweb.common.StreamIO; import xtremweb.common.Table; import xtremweb.common.UID; import xtremweb.common.UserGroupInterface; import xtremweb.common.UserInterface; import xtremweb.common.UserRightEnum; import xtremweb.common.Version; import xtremweb.common.WorkInterface; import xtremweb.common.XMLValue; import xtremweb.common.XMLVector; import xtremweb.common.XMLable; import xtremweb.common.XWAccessRights; import xtremweb.common.XWConfigurator; import xtremweb.common.XWPropertyDefs; import xtremweb.common.XWReturnCode; import xtremweb.common.XWRole; import xtremweb.common.XWTools; import xtremweb.common.Zipper; import xtremweb.communications.CommClient; import xtremweb.communications.Connection; import xtremweb.communications.IdRpc; import xtremweb.communications.SmartSocketsProxy; import xtremweb.communications.URI; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommand; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGet; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetApps; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetDatas; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetGroupWorks; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetGroups; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetHosts; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetSessions; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetTasks; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetTraces; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetUserGroups; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetUsers; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandGetWorks; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandRemove; import xtremweb.communications.XMLRPCCommandSend; import xtremweb.communications.XWPostParams; /** * Created: Oct 1st, 2003
* * This class describes a generic client to XtremWeb. It is designed to submit, * delete jobs as to get job status and results.
* Examples can be found in CommandLineParser. * * @see xtremweb.common.CommandLineParser * * @author Oleg Lodygensky */ public final class Client { /** * This is the output stream * * @since 7.0.0 */ private PrintStream out; /** * This is the logger * * @since 7.0.0 */ private final Logger logger; /** * This stores and tests the command line parameters */ private CommandLineParser args; /** * This is needed to call this class methods from GUI */ public void setArguments(CommandLineParser a) { args = a; } /** * This stores client config such as login, password, server addr etc. */ private XWConfigurator config; public XWConfigurator getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(XWConfigurator c) { config = c; } /** * This stores the macro file line number. */ private int macroLineNumber; /** * This is the macro file provided using --xwmacro para */ private File macroFile; /** * This is set to true if a macro file is provided using --xwmacro param */ private boolean executingMacro; /** * This is set to true if --xwshell param has been provided. The client then * opens a socket and waits for incoming connection * * @since 7.0.0 */ private boolean shellRunning; /** * This retrieves and initializes the default communication client * * @return the default communication client * @exception IOException * is thrown if cache directory can not be created or if we * can't retrieve the default client * @throws InstantiationException */ public CommClient commClient() throws IOException, InstantiationException { CommClient client = commClients.get(Connection.xwScheme()); if (client == null) { client = config.defaultCommClient(); } client.setLoggerLevel(logger.getLoggerLevel()); commClients.put(Connection.xwScheme(), client); client.setAutoClose(false); return client; } /** * This retrieves the comm client for the givenU RI and initializes it * * @param uri * is the uri to retrieve comm client for * @return the expected comm client * @throws IOException */ public CommClient commClient(URI uri) throws IOException { CommClient client = commClients.get(uri.getScheme()); if (client == null) { try { client = config.getCommClient(uri); } catch (final InstantiationException e) { throw new IOException("can't get client for " + uri); } } commClients.put(uri.getScheme(), client); client.setAutoClose(false); return client; } /** * This retrieves the data for the given URI by calling getData(uri, false) * * @see #getData(URI)URI, boolean) * @param uri * is the data uri * @return the data * @throws InstantiationException * @throws AccessControlException */ private DataInterface getData(URI uri) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, InvalidKeyException, URISyntaxException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getData(uri, false); } /** * This retrieves the data for the given URI * * @param uri * is the URI of the data to retrieve * @param display * tells to write data description to stdout * @return * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InstantiationException */ private DataInterface getData(URI uri, boolean display) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { XMLRPCCommandGet cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGet(uri); DataInterface data = null; CommClient commClient = null; try { data = (DataInterface) sendCommand(cmd, display); if (data != null) { return data; } commClient = commClient(uri); data = (DataInterface) commClient.get(uri); if (data == null) { throw new ClassNotFoundException("can't retrieve data " + uri); } return data; } finally { cmd = null; commClient = null; } } /** * This retrieves the data from server This does nothing if uri parameter is * null. * * @param uri * is the data uri * @param download * if false, data content is not downloaded if data already in * cache; if true, data content is downloaded even if data * already in cache * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws UnknownHostException * @throws ConnectException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws AccessControlException */ private void downloadData(URI uri, boolean download) throws ConnectException, UnknownHostException, MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidKeyException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { if (uri == null) { return; } if (uri.isHttp()) { wget(uri, new URL(uri.toString())); return; } // insure data is in cache final DataInterface data = getData(uri); if (data == null) { logger.error("Cant retrieve data " + uri); return; } if (download == false) { return; } if (data.getSize() <= 0) { logger.warn("" + uri + " not downloaded : size <= 0"); return; } final CommClient commClient = commClient(uri); File fdata = null; final UID uid = uri.getUID(); String fext = ""; if (data.getType() != null) { fext = data.getType().getFileExtension(); } String dataName = data.getName(); String fname = uid.toString(); if (dataName != null) { dataName = dataName.replace('/', '_'); dataName = dataName.replace('\\', '_'); fname = uid.toString() + "_" + dataName; } fname += fext; if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.OUT) != null) { fname = (String) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.OUT); } fdata = new File(fname); if (data.getMD5() == null) { throw new IOException(uri.toString() + " MD5 is not set"); } logger.debug("Download uri = " + uri + " fdata = " + fdata); commClient.downloadData(uri, fdata); if (data.getMD5().compareTo(MD5.asHex(MD5.getHash(fdata))) != 0) { fdata.delete(); throw new IOException(uri.toString() + " MD5 differs"); } logger.info("Downloaded to : " + fname); } /** * This does nothing if url parameter is null. This retrieves the data from * an HTTP server Depending on download parameter, this downloads the data * content, if not already in cache * * @param uri * is the data uri * @param url * is the data url * @throws IOException * on cache error */ private void wget(URI uri, URL url) throws IOException { if (url == null) { return; } final CommClient commClient = commClient(uri); commClient.addToCache(uri); final String fname = url.getPath().replace('/', '_').replace(' ', '_'); final File fdata = new File(fname); IOException ioe = null; StreamIO io = null; try { mileStone.println("Reading file " + fdata); io = new StreamIO(null, new DataInputStream(url.openStream()), false); io.readFileContent(fdata); io.close(); mileStone.println("Read file " + fdata); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.exception(e); ioe = e; } finally { if (io != null) { io.close(); } if (ioe != null) { throw ioe; } } } /** * This is the zip file */ private final Zipper zipper; /** * Don't forget to remove temp ZIP file when submitting job */ private boolean newZip = false; /** * This is the zip file name; amazing is it not? */ private String zipFileName; /** * This sets the logger level. This also sets the logger levels checkboxes * menu item. */ public void setLoggerLevel(LoggerLevel l) { logger.setLoggerLevel(l); if (zipper != null) { zipper.setLoggerLevel(l); } } /** * This aims to display some time stamps */ private MileStone mileStone; /** * This hashtable stores comm clients for each schema */ private final Hashtable commClients; /** * This is the default constructor */ private Client(final String[] a) throws ParseException { final String[] argv = a.clone(); logger = new Logger(this); out = System.out; executingMacro = false; shellRunning = false; config = null; macroLineNumber = 0; macroFile = null; zipper = new Zipper(); commClients = new Hashtable(); args = new CommandLineParser(argv); if (args.help() || ((args.command() == IdRpc.NULL) && (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GUI) == null) && (args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.MACRO) == null))) { usage(args.command()); } try { config = (XWConfigurator) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.CONFIG); setLoggerLevel(config.getLoggerLevel()); } catch (final NullPointerException e) { logger.exception(e); if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GUI) == null) { logger.fatal("You must provide a config file, using \"--xwconfig\" !"); } else { new MileStone(XWTools.split(new String())); mileStone = new MileStone(Client.class); } } } /** * This shows application usage */ private void usage(IdRpc idrpc) { usage(idrpc, null); } /** * This shows application usage * * @see xtremweb.common.CommandLineOptions#usage() */ private void usage(IdRpc idrpc, String msg) { if ((idrpc == null) || (idrpc == IdRpc.NULL)) { CommandLineParser .usage("This is the XWHEP client to use and manage the platform (" + CommonVersion.getCurrent().full() + ")"); } else { println("+--------- XWHEP client " + CommonVersion.getCurrent().full() + " ------------------------------------------+"); if (msg != null) { println(" Error : " + msg); } println(" Usage : " + idrpc.helpClient()); println("+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"); } if (shellRunning == false) { System.exit(XWReturnCode.PARSING.ordinal()); } } /** * This summarizes action details to stdout * * @see xtremweb.common.CommandLineOptions#verbose() */ private void verbose() { println(args.isVerbose(), "server = " + config.getCurrentDispatcher()); println(args.isVerbose(), "login = " + config.getUser().getLogin()); args.verbose(); } /** * This sets the output stream * * @since 7.0.0 */ public void setPrintStream(PrintStream p) { out = p; } /** * This prints out a string, if expected.
* Output is formated accordingly to args.outputFormat. * * @see #args * @param write * tells whether to write or not * @param str * is the string to eventually print out */ private void println(boolean write, String str) { if (write == false) { return; } if (!args.html()) { out.println(str); return; } final Collection array = XWTools.split(str, "\t ,;"); for (final Iterator iter = array.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { out.println("" + iter.next() + ""); } array.clear(); } /** * This prints out a string if allowed(--verbose option) * * @param str * is the string to eventually print out */ private void println(String str) { println(true, str); } /** * This prints out a string if allowed(--verbose option) * * @param str * is the string to eventually print out */ private void println(URI uri) { println(true, uri.toString()); } /** * This prints a message to std err and exits. * * @param msg * is the message to print to stderr * @param code * is the return code to use on exit */ private void exit(String msg, XWReturnCode code) { if (newZip && (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.KEEPZIP) == null)) { File file = new File(zipFileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } file = null; } if (code != XWReturnCode.SUCCESS) { logger.error(msg); } else { logger.info(msg); } if (shellRunning) { println(msg); } try { final CommClient client = commClient(); client.setAutoClose(true); commClient().close(); } catch (final Exception e) { } if (shellRunning == false) { System.exit(code.ordinal()); } } /** * This is called on communication error This may occur if requested object * if not found This terminates this application. * * @param uri * is the not found object URI * @since 5.8.0 */ private void objectNotFound() { if (executingMacro == false) { exit("object not found", XWReturnCode.NOTFOUND); } } /** * This is called on communication error This may occur if user don't hae * the right to execute the command, or if requested object if not found * This terminates this application. */ private void connectionRefused() { exit("connection refused", XWReturnCode.CONNECTION); } /** * This is called when XtremWeb server is not reachable. This terminates * this application. */ private void handshakeError() { exit("Encryption error : bad public key", XWReturnCode.HANDSHAKE); } /** * This tells whether XMLable.XMLHEADER has been printed */ private boolean xmlHeaderPrinted = false; /** * This prints XMLable.XMLHEADER to stdout if not already printed */ private void printXMLHeader() { if (xmlHeaderPrinted == false) { println(XMLable.XMLHEADER); xmlHeaderPrinted = true; } } /** * This inserts an HTML header This displays nothing on any other output * format. Header is only inserted if there is no macro or if force is true * * @param force * forces output if true */ private void header(IdRpc cmd) { if (args.xml()) { printXMLHeader(); println(cmd.toXml()); } if (args.html() == false) { return; } final Date currentDate = new Date(); println("XWHEP Client " + cmd.toString() + "(" + currentDate + ")" + "
"); println("

XWHEP Client " + cmd.toString() + "(" + currentDate + ")" + "

"); } /** * This inserts a trailer, depending on output format This displays nothing * on any other output format. Trailer is only inserted if there is no macro * or if force is true * * @param force * forces output if true */ private void trailer(IdRpc cmd) { if (args.xml()) { println(cmd.toXml(true)); } if (args.html()) { println("
"); } } /** * This writes out an HTML and XML tag. Does nothing for any other format. * * @param t * is the ML tag * @param open * is true to open the tags, false to close it */ private void tag(boolean open, String t) { if (args.html() || args.xml()) { if ((t != null) && (t.length() > 0)) { println(true, "<" + (open == true ? "" : "/") + t + ">"); } } } /** * This starts a new line, depending on output format. For HTML format, this * opens a TR tag; for XML format, this opens the provided tag. This * displays nothing on any other output format. * * @param t * is the XML tag to open, if any */ private void startLine(String t) { String str = t; if (args.html()) { str = "tr"; } if (args.html() || args.xml()) { tag(true, str); } } /** * This opens a new HTML table row. This does nothing if output format is * not HTML. */ private void startLine() { startLine(null); } /** * This ends a line, depending on output format. For HTML format, this * closes a TR tag; for XML format, this closes the provided tag. This * displays nothing on any other output format. * * @param t * is the XML tag to open */ private void endLine(String t) { String str = t; if (args.html()) { str = "tr"; } if (args.html() || args.xml()) { tag(false, str); } } /** * This closes an HTML table row. This does nothing if output format is not * HTML. */ private void endLine() { endLine(null); } /** * This sends command to XtremWeb server, read answer and eventually write * retrieved object to stdout * * @param command * is the XMLRPC command to send * @param display * tells to write downloaded object to terminal * @return an XMLable object or null * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public XMLable sendCommand(XMLRPCCommand command, boolean display) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, InstantiationException { XMLable result = null; result = command.exec(commClient()); if (display) { startLine(); if (args.xml()) { println(true, result.toXml()); } else { println(true, result.toHexString(args.csv() || args.html(), args.shortFormat())); } endLine(); } return result; } /** * This changes access rights
Command line parameters : * --xwchmod MOD UID | URI [UID | URI ...]
MOD follows unix * chmod syntax : *
  • [aoug][+-][rwx] *
  • an octal value (e.g. 777) *
* URI | UID may represent any objects * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void chmod() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ParseException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); if (params == null) { XWAccessRights.help(new PrintStream(System.out)); exit("no UID provided", XWReturnCode.PARSING); } final Iterator enumParams = params.iterator(); String modstr = (String) enumParams.next(); while (enumParams.hasNext()) { Object param = enumParams.next(); URI uri = null; if (param instanceof UID) { uri = commClient().newURI((UID) param); } if (param instanceof URI) { uri = (URI) param; } if (uri == null) { param = null; throw new ParseException("uri is null", 0); } Table obj = get(uri, false, true); if (obj != null) { XWAccessRights rights = obj.getAccessRights(); rights.chmod(modstr); obj.setAccessRights(rights); commClient().send(new XMLRPCCommandSend(uri, obj)); rights = null; } obj = null; param = null; } modstr = null; params.clear(); params = null; } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and calls get(Vector)
* Command line parameters : --xwget URI | UID [ URI | UID...]
* * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #get(Vector) */ private void get() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); params = null; } /** * This retrieves objects from server by calling get(URI, display, false) * for each Vector element * * @param params * is a Vector of UID/URI * @param display * tells to print found object or not * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @see #get(URI, boolean, boolean) */ private void get(Collection params, boolean display) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException { if (params == null) { throw new IOException("no URI provided"); } header(IdRpc.GET); boolean headoneshot = true; boolean bypass = (args.command() == IdRpc.GETWORKS) || (args.command() == IdRpc.GETTASKS) || (args.command() == IdRpc.GETHOSTS); if (args.command() == IdRpc.GET) { bypass = true; } Iterator theEnum = params.iterator(); while (theEnum.hasNext()) { Object param = theEnum.next(); Table obj = null; try { obj = get((URI) param, display, bypass); } catch (final ClassCastException cce) { // maybe it is an UID... try { obj = get((UID) param, display, bypass); } catch (final ClassCastException e1) { try { obj = get((URI) param, display, bypass); } catch (final ClassCastException e2) { try { // this may be the case if param has been retrieved // from server obj = get((UID) ((XMLValue) param).getValue(), display, bypass); } catch (final ClassCastException e3) { obj = getApp((String) param); if (obj == null) { obj = getUser((String) param, false); } if (obj != null) { get(obj.getUID(), display, bypass); continue; } } } } } if ((obj == null) || (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.DOWNLOAD) == null)) { param = null; continue; } if (headoneshot && (args.html() || args.csv())) { println(true, new AppInterface().getColumns()); headoneshot = false; } URI dataUri = null; StatusEnum jobStatus = StatusEnum.NONE; boolean jobResult = false; if (obj instanceof WorkInterface) { dataUri = ((WorkInterface) obj).getResult(); jobStatus = ((WorkInterface) obj).getStatus(); jobResult = true; } else if (obj instanceof DataInterface) { dataUri = ((DataInterface) obj).getURI(); jobStatus = StatusEnum.COMPLETED; } switch (jobStatus) { case COMPLETED: if (dataUri != null) { downloadData(dataUri, true); } break; case RUNNING: break; } if (jobResult && (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.NOERASE) == null)) { if (dataUri != null) { remove(dataUri); } switch (jobStatus) { case COMPLETED: case ERROR: logger.debug("Removing job " + obj.getUID()); remove(obj.getUID()); break; } } dataUri = null; jobStatus = null; param = null; obj = null; } theEnum = null; if (display) { trailer(IdRpc.GET); } } /** * This calls get(commClient.newUIR(uid), false, false); * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public Table get(UID uid) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { URI uri = commClient().newURI(uid); final Table ret = get(uri, false, false); uri = null; return ret; } /** * This calls get(uri, false, false); * * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ public Table get(URI uri) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { return get(uri, false, false); } /** * This calls get(newUIR(uid), display, bypass); * * @param uid * @param display * @param bypass * @return * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ private Table get(UID uid, boolean display, boolean bypass) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, InstantiationException { URI uri = commClient().newURI(uid); final Table ret = get(uri, display, bypass); uri = null; return ret; } /** * This retrieves an object from XtremWeb server This may write description * to stdout accordingly to display parameter
Command line * parameters : --xwget UID [UID...]
* * @param uri * is the application URI * @param display * tells whether to write object description to stdout * @param bypass * tells to use cache or not; if true cache is not used, if false * cache is used * @return an AppInterface * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ private Table get(URI uri, boolean display, boolean bypass) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { CommClient commClient = commClient(); Table ret = null; if ((args.command() == IdRpc.GETTASKS) || (args.command() == IdRpc.GETTASK)) { ret = commClient.getTask(uri, bypass); } else { ret = commClient.get(uri, bypass); } if (ret == null) { commClient = null; return null; } if (display) { startLine(); String str = null; if (args.xml()) { str = ret.toXml(); } else { str = ret.toString(args.csv() || args.html(), args.shortFormat()); } println(true, str); str = null; endLine(); } return ret; } /** * This retrieves application from XtremWeb server This may write app * description to stdout, accordingly to dislay parameter
* Command line parameters : --xwgetapp UID [UID...]
* * @param name * is the application name * @return an AppInterface * @throws InstantiationException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ public AppInterface getApp(String name) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { return commClient().getApp(name, false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays applications installed in XtremWeb * server.
Command line parameters : --xwgetapps
* * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @see #getApps(boolean) */ public Collection getApps() throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, URISyntaxException, IOException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, IllegalAccessException { return getApps(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays applications installed in XtremWeb * server.
Command line parameters : --xwgetapps
* * @param display * is true to display applications * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ private Collection getApps(boolean display) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, InstantiationException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, IllegalAccessException { Collection uids = null; final URI uri = commClient().newURI(); final XMLRPCCommandGetApps cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGetApps(uri, config.getUser()); final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand(cmd, false); uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts/updates an application in server.
* This does not read from cache because we need the exact last app * definition in order to correctly update it if it exists.
* Command line parameters : --xwsendapp appName cpuType osName binFileName *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException */ private void sendApp() throws IOException, ParseException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException { List appParams = (List) args.commandParams(); AppInterface app = null; File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); app = (AppInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } finally { fis.close(); fis = null; xmlFile = null; } if (app.getName() == null) { throw new IOException("application name cannot be null"); } if (app.getUID() == null) { UID uid = new UID(); app.setUID(uid); uid = null; } } else { if (appParams == null) { throw new ParseException("no param provided", 0); } try { app = (AppInterface) get((URI) appParams.get(0), false, true); } catch (final Exception appe) { // maybe it is an UID... try { app = (AppInterface) get((UID) appParams.get(0), false, true); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { // maybe it is a string... app = commClient().getApp((String) appParams.get(0), true); } } if (app == null) { UID uid = new UID(); app = new AppInterface(uid); uid = null; app.setName((String) appParams.get(0)); } else { // let see if we can modify this app commClient().send(app); } File binaryFile = null; URI binaryUri = null; CPUEnum cpu = null; OSEnum os = null; XWAccessRights accessRights = XWAccessRights.DEFAULT; AppTypeEnum apptype = null; for (int i = 1; i < appParams.size(); i++) { logger.debug("params[" + i + "] = " + appParams.get(i).toString()); if ((binaryFile == null) && (binaryUri == null)) { try { try { binaryUri = (URI) appParams.get(i); if (binaryUri.isFile()) { binaryFile = new File(binaryUri.getPath()); throw new IOException(binaryUri.toString() + " is a local file"); } } catch (final Exception e0) { binaryUri = null; // // maybe a local file // if (binaryFile == null) { binaryFile = new File((String) appParams.get(i)); } if (binaryFile.exists()) { logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is local file"); continue; } binaryFile = null; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is not an URI"); binaryFile = null; } } try { accessRights = new XWAccessRights((String) appParams.get(i)); logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " are access rights"); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " are not access rights"); } try { apptype = (AppTypeEnum) appParams.get(i); logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is an applicaiton type"); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is not an application type"); } try { if (binaryUri == null) { binaryUri = commClient().newURI((UID) appParams.get(i)); logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is an UID"); continue; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is not an UID"); } try { if (cpu == null) { cpu = (CPUEnum) appParams.get(i); logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is a CPU"); continue; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is not a CPU"); } try { if (os == null) { os = (OSEnum) appParams.get(i); logger.debug(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is an OS"); continue; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.finest(appParams.get(i).toString() + " is not an OS"); } } if (apptype == null) { throw new ParseException("unknown application type", 0); } if (os == null) { throw new ParseException("unknown OS", 0); } if ((cpu == null) && (os != OSEnum.JAVA)) { throw new ParseException("unknown CPU", 0); } if (binaryUri == null) { if (binaryFile != null) { DataTypeEnum type = DataTypeEnum.getFileType(binaryFile); if (type == null) { type = DataTypeEnum.BINARY; } binaryUri = sendData(os, cpu, type, accessRights, new URI( "file://" + binaryFile.getCanonicalPath()), binaryFile.getName()); type = null; } else { logger.warn("no binary found (no URI, no file)"); } } logger.debug("uri = " + binaryUri + " os = " + os + " cpu = " + cpu); app.setBinary(cpu, os, binaryUri); app.setAccessRights(accessRights); app.setType(apptype); binaryFile = null; binaryUri = null; cpu = null; os = null; accessRights = null; apptype = null; } commClient().send(app); println(commClient().newURI(app.getUID())); app = null; appParams = null; } /** * This removes objects from server.
Command line parameters : --xwremove UID [UID...] *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void remove() throws IOException, ParseException, ClassNotFoundException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { final Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); if (params == null) { exit("no URI provided", XWReturnCode.PARSING); } final Iterator enumParams = params.iterator(); while (enumParams.hasNext()) { Object param = enumParams.next(); try { remove((UID) param); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { remove((URI) param); } catch (final InvalidKeyException e) { throw e; } catch (final AccessControlException e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } param = null; } params.clear(); } /** * This removes an object from server.
Command line parameters : --xwremove UID | URI
* The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public void remove(URI uri) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { XMLRPCCommandRemove cmd = null; try { cmd = new XMLRPCCommandRemove(uri); sendCommand(cmd, false); } catch (final SAXException e) { logger.exception(e); } finally { cmd = null; } } /** * This removes an object from server.
Command line parameters : --xwremove UID | URI
* The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public void remove(UID uid) throws IOException, UnknownHostException, ConnectException, ClassNotFoundException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { URI uri = null; try { uri = commClient().newURI(uid); remove(uri); } finally { uri = null; } } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays data installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getDatas(boolean) */ public Collection getDatas() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { return getDatas(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays data installed in XtremWeb server. *
Command line parameters : --xwdatas
* * @param display * is true to write data descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @see #getDatas() */ private Collection getDatas(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { final URI uri = commClient().newURI(); final XMLRPCCommandGetDatas cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGetDatas(uri, config.getUser()); final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand(cmd, false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new data in server.
Command line parameters : --xwsenddata dataName cpuType * osName DataTypeEnum accessRight [binFileName | binFileURI | binFileUID ] *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws IOException * on I/O error * @throws InvalidKeyException * on authentication or authorization error (user don't have * rights to send data) * @throws ParseException * on command line parameter error * @throws InstantiationException * if the data URI scheme is unknwon * @throws URISyntaxException * on URI error * @throws CertificateException * @throws CertificateExpiredException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException */ private void sendData() throws IOException, ParseException, InvalidKeyException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, CertificateExpiredException, CertificateException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException { File dataFile = null; String dataName = null; CPUEnum cpu = null; OSEnum os = null; XWAccessRights accessRights = null; DataTypeEnum DataTypeEnum = null; URI dataUri = null; UID uid = new UID(); DataInterface data = null; File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); data = (DataInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } finally { fis.close(); fis = null; xmlFile = null; } if (data.getUID() == null) { data.setUID(uid); } dataName = data.getName(); } else { final List dataParams = (List) args.commandParams(); if (dataParams == null) { throw new ParseException("no param provided", 0); } for (int i = 0; i < dataParams.size(); i++) { logger.debug("params[" + i + "] = " + dataParams.get(i).toString()); if ((dataFile == null) && (dataUri == null)) { try { try { dataUri = (URI) dataParams.get(i); if (dataUri.isFile()) { dataFile = new File(dataUri.getPath()); throw new ClassCastException(dataUri.toString() + " is a local file"); } } catch (final ClassCastException e0) { dataUri = null; if (dataFile == null) { dataFile = new File((String) dataParams.get(i)); } if (!dataFile.exists()) { throw new IOException("file not found"); } if (!dataFile.isFile() && !dataFile.isDirectory()) { exit("" + dataFile + " is not a regular file", XWReturnCode.FATAL); } if (dataFile.isHidden()) { exit("" + dataFile + " is hidden", XWReturnCode.FATAL); } continue; } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.debug("not an URI"); dataFile = null; } } try { cpu = (CPUEnum) dataParams.get(i); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.debug("not a CPU"); } try { os = (OSEnum) dataParams.get(i); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.debug("not an OS"); } try { accessRights = new XWAccessRights( (String) dataParams.get(i)); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.debug("not an access right"); } try { DataTypeEnum = (DataTypeEnum) dataParams.get(i); continue; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.debug("not a data type"); } try { dataName = (String) dataParams.get(i); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { } } dataParams.clear(); data = new DataInterface(uid); if ((dataUri == null) || (dataUri.isFile())) { dataUri = commClient().newURI(data.getUID()); } else if (dataUri.isXtremWeb() == false) { throw new ParseException( "You must provide an XML file to insert an URI like " + dataUri.getScheme(), 0); } data.setURI(dataUri); if ((dataName == null) && (dataFile != null)) { dataName = dataFile.getName(); } data.setName(dataName); if ((DataTypeEnum == null) && (dataFile != null)) { data.setType(DataTypeEnum.getFileType(dataFile)); } if (DataTypeEnum != null) { data.setType(DataTypeEnum); if (DataTypeEnum == DataTypeEnum.X509) { if (dataFile != null) { XWTools.checkCertificate(dataFile); accessRights = XWAccessRights.USERREADWRITE; } } } if (accessRights != null) { data.setAccessRights(accessRights); } if (dataFile != null) { logger.debug("Data file = " + dataFile.toString()); } else { logger.info("no data content"); } if (cpu != null) { data.setCpu(cpu); } if (os != null) { data.setOs(os); } } if (dataName.toLowerCase() .endsWith(DataTypeEnum.ZIP.getFileExtension()) == false) { newZip = zip(dataFile); } if (newZip) { data.setType(DataTypeEnum.ZIP); dataFile = null; dataFile = new File(zipper.getFileName()); } sendData(data, dataFile); if (newZip && (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.KEEPZIP) == null)) { File file = new File(zipFileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } newZip = false; file = null; } if (dataUri == null) { dataUri = commClient().newURI(data.getUID()); } println(dataUri); dataFile = null; dataName = null; cpu = null; os = null; accessRights = null; DataTypeEnum = null; dataUri = null; uid = null; } /** * This inserts a new data in server * * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ public URI sendData(OSEnum os, CPUEnum cpu, DataTypeEnum type, XWAccessRights accessRights, URI uri, String name) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, InstantiationException { logger.debug("sendData(" + os + ", " + cpu + ", " + type + ", " + accessRights + ", " + uri + ", " + name + ")"); File dataFile = null; String dataName = name; UID uid = new UID(); final DataInterface data = new DataInterface(uid); uid = null; URI dataUri = commClient().newURI(data.getUID()); data.setType(type); data.setOs(os); data.setCpu(cpu); data.setAccessRights(accessRights); if (uri != null) { if (uri.isFile()) { dataFile = new File(uri.getPath()); dataName = dataFile.getName(); final DataTypeEnum thisType = DataTypeEnum .getFileType(dataFile); if ((thisType == DataTypeEnum.TEXT) && (type == DataTypeEnum.URIPASSTHROUGH)) { data.setType(type); } if (thisType == DataTypeEnum.X509) { data.setAccessRights(XWAccessRights.USERALL); } } else { dataUri = uri; } } data.setURI(dataUri); data.setName(dataName); dataName = null; dataUri = null; return sendData(data, dataFile); } /** * This calls sendData(data, new File(dataPath)) * * @param data * is the meta data of the data to send * @param dataPath * is the path to the data content on local fs * @return the data URI * @see #sendData(DataInterface, File) */ public URI sendData(DataInterface data, String dataPath) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { final File f = new File(dataPath); return sendData(data, f); } /** * This inserts a new data in server.
Command line parameters : --xwsenddata <data name> * <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name>
The * user must have the right to do so * * @return the data URI * @param data * describe the data to send * @param dataFile * contains data itself * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ public URI sendData(DataInterface data, File dataFile) throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { if (dataFile == null) { data.setStatus(StatusEnum.AVAILABLE); } else { if (dataFile.exists() == false) { throw new IOException(dataFile.getName() + " does not exist"); } data.setStatus(StatusEnum.UNAVAILABLE); data.setSize(dataFile.length()); data.setMD5(MD5.asHex(MD5.getHash(dataFile))); } logger.debug("sendData(" + data.toXml() + ", " + dataFile + ")"); commClient().send(data); final URI uri = data.getURI(); if (dataFile != null) { try { commClient().uploadData(uri, dataFile); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Upload error", e); try { commClient().setAutoClose(true); commClient().close(); commClient().remove(uri); } finally { exit("Upload error " + uri, XWReturnCode.DISK); } } } data = null; return uri; } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays groups installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getGroups(boolean) */ public Collection getGroups() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { return getGroups(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays groups installed in XtremWeb server. *
Command line parameters : --xwgroups
* * @param display * is true to write group descriptions to stdout * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ private Collection getGroups(boolean display) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, InstantiationException, URISyntaxException, IllegalAccessException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetGroups(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new group in server.
Command line parameters : --xwaddgroup <group name> * <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name>
The * user must have the right to do so */ private void sendGroup() throws ParseException, IOException, SAXException, URISyntaxException { final List params = (List) args.commandParams(); GroupInterface group = null; final UID uid = new UID(); final File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); group = (GroupInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } fis = null; } if (group.getUID() == null) { group.setUID(uid); } if (group.getName() == null) { throw new IOException("group name can not be null"); } if (group.getOwner() == null) { throw new IOException("group owner can not be null"); } } else { group = new GroupInterface(uid); if (group.getOwner() == null) { group.setOwner(config.getUser().getUID()); } int paramIdx = 0; try { group.setName((String) params.get(paramIdx++)); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("group name not provided", 0); } try { group.setSession((UID) params.get(paramIdx++)); } catch (final Exception e) { } } try { commClient().send(group); println(commClient().newURI(uid)); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (params != null) { params.clear(); } group = null; } } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays hosts installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getHosts(boolean) */ public Collection getHosts() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getHosts(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays hosts installed in XtremWeb server. *
Command line parameters : --xwhosts
* * @param display * is true to write host descriptions to stdout * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @see #getHosts */ private Collection getHosts(boolean display) throws InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InstantiationException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetHosts(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new host in server.
Command line parameters : --xwaddhost <host name> * <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name>
The * user must have the right to do so */ private void sendHost() throws IOException { exit("Can't send host", XWReturnCode.FATAL); } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and writes session description * * @return an SessionInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getSession(UID, boolean) */ private void getSession() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); params = null; } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays sessions installed in XtremWeb * server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getSessions(boolean) */ public Collection getSessions() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getSessions(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays sessions installed in XtremWeb * server.
Command line parameters : --xwsessions
* * @param display * is true to write session descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getSessions */ private Collection getSessions(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetSessions(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new session in server.
Command line parameters : --xwaddsession <session * name> <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name> *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void sendSession() throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final List params = (List) args.commandParams(); final UID uid = new UID(); SessionInterface session = null; final File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); session = (SessionInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { fis.close(); fis = null; } if (session.getUID() == null) { session.setUID(uid); } if (session.getName() == null) { throw new ParseException("session name can not be null", 0); } if (session.getOwner() == null) { throw new ParseException("session client can not be null", 0); } } else { session = new SessionInterface(); int paramIdx = 0; session.setUID(uid); try { session.setName((String) params.get(paramIdx++)); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("session name not provided", 0); } session.setOwner(config.getUser().getUID()); } commClient().send(session); final URI uri = commClient().newURI(session.getUID()); println(uri); params.clear(); session = null; } /** * This retrieves registered tasks * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getTasks(boolean) */ public Collection getTasks() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getTasks(false); } /** * This retrieves registered tasks
Command line parameters : * --xwtasks
* * @param display * is true to write task descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getTasks */ private Collection getTasks(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetTasks(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and writes trace description * * @return an TraceInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getTrace(UID, boolean) */ private void getTrace() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays traces installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getTraces(boolean) */ public Collection getTraces() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getTraces(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays traces installed in XtremWeb server. *
Command line parameters : --xwtraces
* * @param display * is true to write trace descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getTraces */ private Collection getTraces(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetTraces(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new trace in server.
Command line parameters : --xwaddtrace <trace name> * <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name>
The * user must have the right to do so */ private void sendTrace() throws IOException { exit("Can't send trace", XWReturnCode.FATAL); } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and writes user group description * * @return an UserGroupInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUserGroup(UID, boolean) */ private void getUserGroup() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays userGroups installed in XtremWeb * server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUserGroups(boolean) */ public Collection getUserGroups() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getUserGroups(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays userGroups installed in XtremWeb * server.
Command line parameters : --xwuserGroups *
* * @param display * is true to write userGroup descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUserGroups */ public Collection getUserGroups(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand( new XMLRPCCommandGetUserGroups(commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()), false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new userGroup in server.
Command line parameters : --xwsenduserGroup <userGroup * name> <cpu type> <os name> <bin file name> *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void sendUserGroup() throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { UserGroupInterface group = null; UserInterface groupAdmin = null; final UID groupUID = new UID(); final File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); group = (UserGroupInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } fis = null; } if (group.getUID() == null) { group.setUID(groupUID); } if (group.getLabel() == null) { throw new ParseException("user group label can not be null", 0); } } else { List params = (List) args.commandParams(); if (params == null) { throw new ParseException("no param provided", 0); } String groupLabel = (String) params.get(0); group = new UserGroupInterface(groupUID); group.setLabel(groupLabel); String adminLogin = null; String adminPassword = null; String adminEmail = null; try { adminLogin = (String) params.get(1); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("group admin login not provided", 0); } try { adminPassword = (String) params.get(2); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("group admin password not provided", 0); } try { adminEmail = (String) params.get(3); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("group admin mail not provided", 0); } UserRightEnum adminRights = UserRightEnum.ADVANCED_USER; UID adminUID = new UID(); groupAdmin = new UserInterface(adminUID); groupAdmin.setLogin(adminLogin); groupAdmin.setPassword(adminPassword); groupAdmin.setEMail(adminEmail); groupAdmin.setRights(adminRights); sendUser(groupAdmin, false); group.setOwner(adminUID); params.clear(); params = null; groupLabel = null; adminLogin = null; adminPassword = null; adminEmail = null; adminUID = null; adminRights = null; } try { commClient().send(group); println(commClient().newURI(group.getUID())); if (groupAdmin != null) { groupAdmin.setGroup(groupUID); sendUser(groupAdmin, true, " administrator of group " + group.getLabel()); } } catch (final Exception e) { connectionRefused(); } finally { group = null; groupAdmin = null; } } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and writes user description * * @return an UserInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUser(UID, boolean) */ private void getUser() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); } /** * This calls getUser(login, false) * * @param login * is the user login * @return an UserInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUser(String, boolean) */ public UserInterface getUser(String login) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getUser(login, false); } /** * This retrieves user from XtremWeb server This may write description to * stdout, accordingly to dislay parameter * * @param login * is the use login * @param display * tells to write descriptio to stdout, or not * @return an UserInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ private UserInterface getUser(String login, boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final UserInterface user = commClient().getUser(login, false); if (display) { startLine(); String str = null; if (args.xml()) { str = user.toXml(); } else { str = user.toString(args.csv() || args.html()); } println(true, str); str = null; endLine(); } return user; } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays users installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getUsers(boolean) */ public Collection getUsers() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getUsers(false); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays users installed in XtremWeb server. *
Command line parameters : --xwusers
* * @param display * is true to write user descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #get(Vector, boolean) */ private Collection getUsers(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final URI uri = commClient().newURI(); final XMLRPCCommandGetUsers cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGetUsers(uri, config.getUser()); final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand(cmd, false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This inserts a new user in server.
Command line parameters : --xwsenduser <user login> * <uesr password> <user email> <user rights> *
The user must have the right to do so * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void sendUser() throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final UID uid = new UID(); UserInterface user = null; final File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); user = (UserInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } fis = null; } if (user.getLogin() == null) { throw new ParseException("user login can not be null", 0); } if (user.getPassword() == null) { throw new ParseException("user password can not be null", 0); } } else { List params = (List) args.commandParams(); if (params == null) { throw new ParseException("no param provided", 0); } String login = null; String password = null; String email = null; UserRightEnum rights = UserRightEnum.STANDARD_USER; URI groupURI = null; try { login = (String) params.get(0); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("login not provided", 0); } try { password = (String) params.get(1); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("password not provided", 0); } try { email = (String) params.get(2); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ParseException("mail not provided", 0); } int paramindex = 3; try { rights = UserRightEnum .valueOf(((String) params.get(paramindex)) .toUpperCase()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { try { rights = UserRightEnum.fromInt(Integer .parseInt((String) params.get(paramindex))); } catch (final Exception another) { } } catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiobe) { } catch (final ClassCastException e) { paramindex = 2; } paramindex++; try { groupURI = (URI) params.get(paramindex); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { try { groupURI = commClient() .newURI((UID) params.get(paramindex)); } catch (final ClassCastException e2) { exit("Not a group :" + params.get(paramindex), XWReturnCode.FATAL); } } catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } user = new UserInterface(uid); user.setLogin(login); user.setPassword(password); user.setEMail(email); user.setRights(rights); if (groupURI != null) { user.setGroup(groupURI.getUID()); } params.clear(); params = null; password = null; email = null; rights = null; groupURI = null; } sendUser(user); user = null; } private void sendUser(UserInterface user) throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { sendUser(user, true); } private void sendUser(UserInterface user, boolean display) throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final String msg = null; sendUser(user, display, msg); } private void sendUser(UserInterface user, boolean display, String msg) throws ParseException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { commClient().send(user); if (display == false) { return; } println("# XWHEP client config file"); if (msg != null) { println("# " + msg); } println("# " + CommonVersion.getCurrent().full()); println("# Role"); println(XWPropertyDefs.ROLE + "=" + XWRole.CLIENT); println("# XWHEP server"); println(XWPropertyDefs.DISPATCHERS + "=" + config.getCurrentDispatcher()); println("# Login and password to connect to the server"); println(XWPropertyDefs.LOGIN + "=" + user.getLogin()); println(XWPropertyDefs.PASSWORD + "=" + user.getPassword()); println(XWPropertyDefs.USERUID + "=" + user.getUID()); println("# logger level"); println(XWPropertyDefs.LOGGERLEVEL + "=" + LoggerLevel.INFO); final String certPath = config.getPath(XWPropertyDefs.SSLKEYSTORE); if ((certPath != null) && (new File(certPath)).exists()) { println("# worker keystore"); println(XWPropertyDefs.SSLKEYSTORE + "=" + certPath); } } /** * This retrieves command line parameter and writes work description This * always download work from server; this does not use cache * * @return an WorkInterface * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getWork(UID, boolean) */ private void getWork() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); get(params, true); params.clear(); } /** * This retrieves, stores and displays works installed in XtremWeb server. * * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getWorks(boolean) */ public Collection getWorks() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { return getWorks(false); } /** * This retrieves works from server
Command line parameters : * --xwworks
* * @param display * is true to write work descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getWorks */ private Collection getWorks(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { final StatusEnum status = (StatusEnum) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.STATUS); final XMLRPCCommandGetWorks cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGetWorks( commClient().newURI(), config.getUser()); cmd.setStatus(status); final XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand(cmd, false); final Collection uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); return uids; } /** * This retrieves works for a given group
Command line * parameters : --xwgroupworks
* * @param display * is true to write work descriptions to stdout * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException * @see #getWorks */ private Collection getGroupWorks(boolean display) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { Collection params = (Collection) args.commandParams(); Iterator theEnum = params.iterator(); Object param = theEnum.next(); GroupInterface group = null; try { group = (GroupInterface) get((URI) param); } catch (final ClassCastException e) { group = (GroupInterface) get((UID) param); } XMLRPCCommandGetGroupWorks cmd = new XMLRPCCommandGetGroupWorks( commClient().newURI(group.getUID()), config.getUser()); XMLVector xmluids = (XMLVector) sendCommand(cmd, false); cmd = null; final Vector uids = xmluids.getXmlValues(); get(uids, display); params.clear(); params = null; theEnum = null; param = null; group = null; xmluids = null; return uids; } /** * This zippes dirin, if any */ protected boolean zipDirin(WorkInterface work) throws IOException { if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.DONTZIP) != null) { return false; } mileStone.println(""); boolean newZip = true; String[] filesHierarchy = new String[1]; String savname = zipFileName; filesHierarchy[0] = zipFileName; zipFileName = work.getUID().toString() + DataTypeEnum.ZIP.getFileExtension(); zipper.setFileName(zipFileName); if (zipper.zip(filesHierarchy, true) == false) { zipFileName = savname; logger.debug(zipFileName + " is not zipped; it is kept 'as is'"); newZip = false; } mileStone.println(""); filesHierarchy = null; savname = null; return newZip; } /** * This zippes a file * * @since 8.0.0 */ protected boolean zip(File path) throws IOException { if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.DONTZIP) != null) { return false; } if (path == null) { return false; } mileStone.println(""); boolean newZip = true; String[] filesHierarchy = new String[1]; zipFileName = path.getName() + DataTypeEnum.ZIP.getFileExtension(); filesHierarchy[0] = path.getAbsolutePath(); zipper.setFileName(zipFileName); if (zipper.zip(filesHierarchy, true) == false) { logger.debug(zipFileName + " is not zipped; it is kept 'as is'"); newZip = false; } mileStone.println(""); filesHierarchy = null; return newZip; } /** * This inserts (submits) a new work in server.
* Command line parameters : --xwsendwork application name or UID [ --xwcert X.509 cert or proxy ] [ --xwenv dirinFile | URI | UID ] [ '<' ] *
* @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InstantiationException */ private void sendWork() throws IOException, ParseException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, InstantiationException { File zipFile = null; final UID uid = new UID(); WorkInterface work = null; final File xmlFile = (File) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.XML); if (xmlFile != null) { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); work = (WorkInterface) Table.newInterface(fis); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } fis = null; } if (work.getUID() == null) { work.setUID(uid); } try { if (get(work.getApplication()) == null) { throw new IOException("Can't retrieve application"); } } catch (final Exception e2) { throw new IOException(e2.toString()); } } else { work = new WorkInterface(); List params = (List) args.commandParams(); work.setUID(uid); AppInterface app = null; try { app = (AppInterface) get(((URI) params.get(0)).getUID()); } catch (final Exception e) { try { app = (AppInterface) get((UID) params.get(0)); } catch (final Exception e2) { try { app = getApp((String) params.get(0)); } catch (final Exception e3) { app = null; } } } if (app == null) { if (params != null) { params.clear(); } params = null; throw new ParseException("Can't retrieve application " + (params != null ? params.get(0).toString() : ""), 0); } work.setApplication(app.getUID()); app = null; try { final String lp = (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.LISTENPORT); if (lp != null) { work.setListenPort(lp); } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't set LISTENPORT", e); } try { final String fa = (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.FORWARDADDRESSES); if (fa != null) { work.setSmartSocketClient(fa); } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't set FORWARDADDRESSES", e); } try { Long wct = (Long) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.WALLCLOCKTIME); if (wct != null) { work.setMaxWallClockTime(wct.longValue()); } wct = null; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't set WALLCLOCKTIME", e); } DataTypeEnum dirinType = null; final List envs = (List) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.ENV); if (envs != null) { if (envs.size() == 1) { final Object envparam = envs.get(0); URI envuri = null; UID envuid = null; try { envuri = (URI) envparam; if (envuri.isFile() == false) { work.setDirin(envuri); } else { zipFileName = envuri.getPath(); } } catch (final ClassCastException e) { try { envuid = (UID) envparam; work.setDirin(commClient().newURI(envuid)); } catch (final ClassCastException e2) { zipFileName = (String) envparam; } } envuri = null; envuid = null; } else { dirinType = DataTypeEnum.URIPASSTHROUGH; final String fname = uid.toString() + DataTypeEnum.TEXT.getFileExtension(); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fname))); final Iterator envsenum = envs.iterator(); while (envsenum.hasNext()) { final String envp = envsenum.next().toString(); if ((envp == null) || (envp.indexOf(Connection.SCHEMESEPARATOR) < 0)) { throw new URISyntaxException(envp, "scheme error"); } writer.println(envp); } writer.close(); zipFileName = fname; } } if (zipFileName != null) { if (zipFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith( DataTypeEnum.ZIP.getFileExtension()) == false) { newZip = zipDirin(work); } if (newZip) { dirinType = DataTypeEnum.ZIP; } zipFile = new File(zipFileName); URI zipUri = sendData(OSEnum.NONE, CPUEnum.NONE, dirinType, XWAccessRights.DEFAULT, new URI("file://" + zipFile.getCanonicalPath()), zipFile.getName()); work.setDirin(zipUri); if (newZip) { File file = new File(zipFileName); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } newZip = false; file = null; } zipUri = null; } File stdin = null; if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.STDIN) != null) { try { URI uri = (URI) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.STDIN); if (uri.isFile() == false) { work.setStdin((URI) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.STDIN)); } else { stdin = new File(uri.getPath()); } uri = null; } catch (final ClassCastException e) { try { work.setStdin(commClient().newURI( (UID) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.STDIN))); } catch (final ClassCastException e2) { stdin = new File( (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.STDIN)); } } } if (stdin != null) { URI stdinUri = sendData(OSEnum.NONE, CPUEnum.NONE, DataTypeEnum.TEXT, XWAccessRights.DEFAULT, new URI( "file://" + stdin.getCanonicalPath()), stdin.getName()); work.setStdin(stdinUri); stdinUri = null; } stdin = null; String cmdLineStr = new String(" "); // i = 1 to bypass application name for (int i = 1; i < params.size(); i++) { cmdLineStr += params.get(i).toString() + " "; } if (cmdLineStr.indexOf(XWTools.QUOTE) != -1) { throw new ParseException( "6 dec 2005 : command line cannot have \"" + XWTools.QUOTE + "\" character until further notification", 0); } work.setCmdLine(cmdLineStr); cmdLineStr = null; if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.LABEL) != null) { work.setLabel((String) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.LABEL)); } if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.EXPECTEDHOST) != null) { work.setExpectedHost((UID) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.EXPECTEDHOST)); } if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.SESSION) != null) { work.setSession((UID) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.SESSION)); } if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GROUP) != null) { work.setGroup((UID) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GROUP)); } File certFile = null; certFile = config.getFile(XWPropertyDefs.X509USERPROXY); if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.CERT) != null) { try { URI uri = (URI) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.CERT); if (uri.isFile() == false) { work.setUserProxy(uri); certFile = null; logger.debug("cert uri " + uri); } else { certFile = new File(uri.getPath()); } uri = null; } catch (final ClassCastException e) { try { work.setUserProxy(commClient().newURI( (UID) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.CERT))); certFile = null; logger.debug("cert uid " + work.getUserProxy()); } catch (final ClassCastException e2) { certFile = new File( (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.CERT)); } } } if (certFile != null) { try { XWTools.checkCertificate(certFile); } catch (final Exception e) { if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.CERT) != null) { exit("Invalid certificate : " + e, XWReturnCode.FATAL); } else { logger.info("Will not use $" + XWPropertyDefs.X509USERPROXY + " : " + e); certFile = null; } } if (certFile != null) { final URI certUri = sendData(OSEnum.NONE, CPUEnum.NONE, DataTypeEnum.X509, XWAccessRights.USERALL, new URI( "file://" + certFile.getCanonicalPath()), certFile.getName()); work.setUserProxy(certUri); } } params.clear(); params = null; } if (work != null) { try { commClient().send(work); println(commClient().newURI(work.getUID())); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { try { if (work.getStdin() != null) { commClient().remove(work.getStdin()); } } catch (final Exception e1) { } try { if (work.getDirin() != null) { commClient().remove(work.getDirin()); } } catch (final Exception e2) { } throw e; } } zipFile = null; work = null; } /** * This pings the server * * @see #synchronize() */ private void ping() { CommClient client = null; try { client = commClient(); while (true) { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); client.ping(); final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int pingdelai = (int) (end - start); println("Ping to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + ": time=" + pingdelai + " ms"); Thread.sleep(1000); } } catch (final Exception e) { client = null; logger.exception(e); } } /** * This is for communications testing
Command line parameters : --xwworkrequest
*/ private void workRequest() throws IOException { final List params = (List) args.commandParams(); try { final WorkInterface work = commClient().workRequest( config.getHost()); println("Work received: " + work.toXml()); } catch (final Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) { logger.info("Server gave no work to compute"); } else { logger.exception(e); } } } /** * This is for communications testing
Command line parameters : --xwworkalive [UID]
*/ private void workAlive() throws IOException { final List params = (List) args.commandParams(); try { final Hashtable rmiResults = commClient().workAlive( (UID) params.get(0)).getHashtable(); final Boolean keepWorking = (Boolean) rmiResults.get("keepWorking"); println("alive returns: " + rmiResults.toString()); if (keepWorking != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : keepWorking = " + keepWorking); } } catch (final Exception e) { // // a NullPointerException is thrown if user gave no parameter // on the command line // even if there may be other exceptions, we just bypass them // final Collection jobResults = new Vector(); println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : jobResults.size() = " + jobResults.size()); final Hashtable rmiParams = new Hashtable(); rmiParams.put(XWPostParams.JOBRESULTS.toString(), jobResults); jobResults.clear(); Hashtable rmiResults = null; try { rmiResults = commClient().workAlive(rmiParams).getHashtable(); } catch (final Exception e2) { logger.exception(e2); exit("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : connection error " + e2.toString(), XWReturnCode.CONNECTION); return; } rmiParams.clear(); if (rmiResults == null) { exit("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : rmiResults = null", XWReturnCode.CONNECTION); return; } logger.debug(rmiResults.toString()); final String serverVersion = (String) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.CURRENTVERSION.toString()); logger.debug("serverVersion = " + serverVersion); if (serverVersion != null) { println("Server version : " + serverVersion); } final List finishedTasks = (List) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.FINISHEDTASKS.toString()); if (finishedTasks != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : finishedTasks.size() = " + finishedTasks.size()); final Iterator li = finishedTasks.iterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { final UID uid = li.next(); if (uid != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : finishedTasks = " + uid); } } } final List resultsExpected = (List) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.RESULTEXPECTEDS.toString()); if (resultsExpected != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : resultsExpected.size() = " + resultsExpected.size()); final Iterator li = resultsExpected.iterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { final UID uid = li.next(); if (uid != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : resultExpected = " + uid); } } } final String newServer = (String) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.NEWSERVER.toString()); if (newServer != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : new server = " + newServer); } final Boolean traces = (Boolean) rmiResults.get(XWPostParams.TRACES .toString()); if (traces != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : tracing = " + traces); } final Integer tracesSendResultDelay = (Integer) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.TRACESSENDRESULTDELAY.toString()); if (tracesSendResultDelay != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : tracesSendResultDelay = " + tracesSendResultDelay); } final Integer tracesResultDelay = (Integer) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.TRACESRESULTDELAY.toString()); if (tracesResultDelay != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + " : tracesResultDelay = " + tracesResultDelay); } final Integer newAlivePeriod = (Integer) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.ALIVEPERIOD.toString()); if (newAlivePeriod != null) { println("Alive to " + config.getCurrentDispatcher() + ": new alive period = " + newAlivePeriod); } final String keystoreUriStr = (String) rmiResults .get(XWPostParams.KEYSTOREURI.toString()); if ((keystoreUriStr != null) && (keystoreUriStr.length() > 0)) { try { final URI keystoreUri = new URI(keystoreUriStr); final File currentKeystoreFile = new File( System.getProperty(XWPropertyDefs.JAVAKEYSTORE .toString())); final DataInterface newKeystoreData = getData(keystoreUri); if (newKeystoreData == null) { throw new IOException( "Can't retrieve new keystore data " + keystoreUri); } final String currentKeystoreMD5 = MD5.asHex(MD5 .getHash(currentKeystoreFile)); if (newKeystoreData.getMD5().compareTo(currentKeystoreMD5) != 0) { println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); println("* *"); println("* ATTENTION *"); println("* There is a new keystore available from server *"); println("* *"); println("* You must download " + keystoreUriStr); println("* and copy it to " + currentKeystoreFile); println("* *"); println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); } } catch (final Exception e2) { logger.exception("can't check keystore", e2); } } } if (params != null) { params.clear(); } } /** * This retrieves the SmartSockets hub address
Command line * parameters : --xwgethubaddr
* * @since 8.0.0 */ private String getHubAddr(boolean display) throws IOException { try { final Hashtable rmiResults = commClient() .getHubAddress().getHashtable(); final String hubAddr = rmiResults.get(Connection.HUBPNAME); if (display) { println("SmartSockets hub addr = " + (hubAddr == null ? "unknown" : hubAddr)); } return hubAddr; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't retrieve SmartSocket hub address", e); throw new IOException("Can't retrieve SmartSocket hub address"); } } /** * This updates a worker in server by setting its status to true or false
Command line parameters : --xwupdateworkers <on|off> * [uids list]
Administrator privileges required */ private void updateWorkers() throws IOException { final Collection uids = (Collection) args.commandParams(); if (uids == null) { throw new IOException("no param provided"); } boolean status = false; final Iterator li = uids.iterator(); final String onoff = (String) li.next(); if (onoff == null) { throw new IOException("missing valid parameter : on | off"); } if ((onoff.compareTo("on") == 0) || (onoff.compareTo("1") == 0) || (onoff.compareTo(Boolean.toString(true)) == 0) || (onoff.compareTo("yes") == 0)) { status = true; } else if ((onoff.compareTo("off") == 0) || (onoff.compareTo("0") == 0) || (onoff.compareTo(Boolean.toString(false)) == 0) || (onoff.compareTo("no") == 0)) { status = false; } else { throw new IOException("invalid parameter : " + onoff); } while (li.hasNext()) { final UID uid = (UID) li.next(); try { commClient().activateHost(uid, status); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } uids.clear(); } /** * This executes requested actions.
* It first tries to connect to the XtremWeb dispatcher. */ private void execute() throws IOException { try { mileStone = new MileStone(getClass()); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GUI) == null) { exit("Can't init comm : " + e, XWReturnCode.FATAL); } } if (config != null) { String pass = null; String certificate = null; try { final boolean challenge = config.getChallenging(); pass = config.getUser().getPassword(); certificate = config.getUser().getCertificate(); config.setUser(getUser(config.getUser().getLogin())); config.getUser().setPassword(pass); config.getUser().setCertificate(certificate); config.setProperty(XWPropertyDefs.USERUID, config.getUser() .getUID()); config.setChallenging(challenge); config.getUser().setChallenging(challenge); CommClient.setConfig(config); } catch (final SSLHandshakeException e) { logger.exception(e); handshakeError(); } catch (final InvalidKeyException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHENTICATION); } catch (final AccessControlException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHORIZATION); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.exception(e); if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GUI) == null) { connectionRefused(); } } catch (final SAXException e) { connectionRefused(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); } finally { pass = null; certificate = null; } } if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.GUI) != null) { if (config == null) { config = new XWConfigurator(); CommClient.setConfig(config); } final xtremweb.client.gui.MainFrame frame = new xtremweb.client.gui.MainFrame( this); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } else { try { if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.SHELL) != null) { execShell(); } if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.SMARTSOCKETSPROXY) != null) { smartSocketsProxy(); } else if (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.MACRO) != null) { execMacros(); } else { doItNow(); } final CommClient client = commClient(); client.setAutoClose(true); client.disconnect(); } catch (final SSLHandshakeException e) { handshakeError(); } catch (final Exception e) { exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.CONNECTION); } } } /** * This is finally where everything takes place. This is called at least * once, or once per line found in "macro" file, if any. * * @param in * is the input stream representing the standard input for the * job */ private void doItNow() { Collection ret = null; try { logger.debug("doItNow " + args.command()); switch (args.command()) { case VERSION: println("Current version : " + CommonVersion.getCurrent()); try { final Version serverVersion = commClient().version(); logger.debug("serverVersion = " + serverVersion); if ((serverVersion != null) && !serverVersion.toString().equals( CommonVersion.getCurrent().toString())) { println("Server version : " + serverVersion); println("********** ********** **********"); println("You should upgrade your client"); println("********** ********** **********"); } } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); } exit("", XWReturnCode.SUCCESS); break; case GET: get(); break; case GETAPPS: ret = getApps(true); break; case SENDAPP: sendApp(); break; case REMOVE: remove(); break; case GETDATAS: ret = getDatas(true); break; case SENDDATA: sendData(); break; case GETGROUPS: ret = getGroups(true); break; case SENDGROUP: sendGroup(); break; case GETHOSTS: ret = getHosts(true); break; case SENDHOST: sendHost(); break; case GETSESSIONS: ret = getSessions(true); break; case SENDSESSION: sendSession(); break; case GETTASK: get(); break; case GETTASKS: ret = getTasks(true); break; case GETTRACES: ret = getTraces(true); break; case SENDTRACE: sendTrace(); break; case GETUSERBYLOGIN: getUser(); break; case GETUSERS: ret = getUsers(true); break; case SENDUSER: sendUser(); break; case GETUSERGROUPS: ret = getUserGroups(true); break; case SENDUSERGROUP: sendUserGroup(); break; case GETWORKS: ret = getWorks(true); break; case GETGROUPWORKS: ret = getGroupWorks(true); break; case SENDWORK: sendWork(); break; case PING: ping(); break; case WORKALIVE: case WORKALIVEBYUID: workAlive(); break; case WORKREQUEST: workRequest(); break; case CHMOD: chmod(); break; case GETHUBADDR: getHubAddr(true); break; case ACTIVATEHOST: updateWorkers(); break; } } catch (final SSLHandshakeException ssle) { logger.exception(ssle); handshakeError(); } catch (final ParseException ce) { logger.exception(ce); usage(args.command(), ce.getMessage()); } catch (final ConnectException ce) { logger.exception(ce); connectionRefused(); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.DISK); } catch (final CertificateExpiredException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHENTICATION); } catch (final CertificateException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHENTICATION); } catch (final InvalidKeyException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHENTICATION); } catch (final AccessControlException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.AUTHORIZATION); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { logger.exception(e); exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.DISK); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.exception(e); objectNotFound(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception(e); usage(args.command()); } finally { if (ret != null) { ret.clear(); } ret = null; } } /** * This executes what reader provides * * @see #doItNow() * @since 7.0.0 */ public IdRpc exec(BufferedReader reader) throws ParseException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { final String line = reader.readLine(); logger.finest("line = " + line); final Collection params = XWTools.split(line); if ((params == null) || (params.size() < 1)) { return null; } final String[] arrayType = new String[0]; final String[] paramsarray = (String[]) params.toArray(arrayType); args = new CommandLineParser(paramsarray); doItNow(); return args.command(); } /** * This parses "macro" file and executes each line calling doItNow() *
Command line parameters : --xwmacro <macro file name> *
* * @see #doItNow() */ private void execMacros() { executingMacro = true; final boolean noverbose = (args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.NOVERBOSE) != null); logger.debug("macro = " + args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.MACRO).toString()); macroFile = new File((String) args.getOption(CommandLineOptions.MACRO)); if (args.xml()) { printXMLHeader(); } try { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( macroFile)); while (true) { final IdRpc cmd = exec(reader); if (cmd == null) { break; } if (noverbose == false) { logger.info("macro [" + ++macroLineNumber + "] " + "(" + cmd + ") "); } } } catch (final Exception e) { exit(e.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.PARSING); } } /** * This opens a socket and wait for incoming connections. This parses socket * input stream and executes the command by calling doItNow() * * @see #doItNow() * @since 7.0.0 */ private void execShell() throws InterruptedException { shellRunning = true; try { final Shell shell = new Shell(); shell.initComm(this); shell.start(); shell.join(); } finally { shellRunning = false; } } /** * This instantiates SmartSockets proxies. If CommandLineOptions.FORWARDPORT * is set, let start a server like proxy waiting incoming connections from * local SmartSocketAddress and forwarding them to a local port so that jobs * running on XWHEP worker will be able to connect on server like * application running on XWHEP client side. * * If CommandLineOptions.FORWARDADDRESSES is set, let start a client like * proxy waiting incoming connections from local port and forwarding them to * remote SmartSocketAddress so that applications running on XWHEP client * side have a chance to connect on server like application running on XWHEP * worker side. * * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws SAXException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws AccessControlException * @throws InvalidKeyException * @since 8.0.0 */ private void smartSocketsProxy() throws InterruptedException, InvalidKeyException, AccessControlException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SAXException, URISyntaxException { final Vector params = (Vector) args.commandParams(); String hubAddr = null; try { final Boolean b = (Boolean) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.SMARTSOCKETSPROXY); hubAddr = getHubAddr(false); } catch (final Exception e) { hubAddr = (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.SMARTSOCKETSPROXY); } logger.debug("hubaddr = " + hubAddr); if ((hubAddr == null) || (hubAddr.length() < 1)) { exit("No SmartSockets hub address provided", XWReturnCode.PARSING); } int forwardPort = -1; try { final String forwardPortStr = (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.FORWARDPORT); if (forwardPortStr != null) { forwardPort = Integer.parseInt(forwardPortStr); } } catch (final Exception e1) { exit("Invalid forwarding port : " + e1.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.PARSING); } if (forwardPort != -1) { try { final SmartSocketsProxy smartSocketsProxy = new SmartSocketsProxy( hubAddr, null, forwardPort, true); println("Starting proxy; listening address : " + smartSocketsProxy.getLocalAddress() + ", forwarding port : " + forwardPort); smartSocketsProxy.start(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't start new SmartSocket proxy", e); XWTools.releasePort(forwardPort); } return; } int listenPort = -1; try { listenPort = Integer.parseInt((String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.LISTENPORT)); } catch (final Exception e1) { exit("Invalid listening port : " + e1.getMessage(), XWReturnCode.PARSING); } int portlimit; for (portlimit = 0; portlimit < 1000; portlimit++) { logger.debug("Checking port availability " + listenPort); if (XWTools.lockPort(listenPort)) { break; } listenPort++; } if (portlimit == 1000) { throw new IOException("can't find any available port to listen to"); } final String forwardAddr = (String) args .getOption(CommandLineOptions.FORWARDADDRESSES); if (forwardAddr != null) { try { final SmartSocketsProxy smartSocketsProxy = new SmartSocketsProxy( hubAddr, forwardAddr, listenPort, false); println("Starting proxy; listening port : " + listenPort + ", forwarding address : " + smartSocketsProxy.getRemoteAddress()); smartSocketsProxy.start(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't start new SmartSocket proxy", e); XWTools.releasePort(forwardPort); } return; } WorkInterface theWork = null; try { final Enumeration theEnum = params.elements(); if (theEnum.hasMoreElements()) { final Object param = theEnum.nextElement(); try { theWork = (WorkInterface) get((URI) param); } catch (final ClassCastException cce) { theWork = (WorkInterface) get((UID) param); } } } catch (final Exception e1) { exit("No valid URI/UID provided", XWReturnCode.PARSING); } if (theWork.getStatus() != StatusEnum.RUNNING) { exit("Ivalid work status", XWReturnCode.ERROR); } final Collection serverAddresses = XWTools.split( theWork.getSmartSocketAddr(), ","); if ((serverAddresses == null) || (serverAddresses.size() < 1)) { exit("No valid server addresses found from work", XWReturnCode.CONNECTION); } final Iterator addressesenum = serverAddresses.iterator(); int portloop = 0; while (addressesenum.hasNext()) { final String serverAddr = addressesenum.next(); final int fport = listenPort + portloop++; try { final SmartSocketsProxy smartSocketsProxy = new SmartSocketsProxy( hubAddr, serverAddr, fport, false); println("Starting proxy; listening port : " + fport + ", forwarding address : " + smartSocketsProxy.getLocalAddress()); smartSocketsProxy.start(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.exception("Can't start new SmartSocket proxy", e); XWTools.releasePort(fport); } } } /** * This is the standard main method */ public static void main(String[] argv) { try { final Client client = new Client(argv); client.verbose(); client.execute(); } catch (final Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } }