'mac-xwhep', '' => 'lodygensky', '' => 'urbah' ); $b_db_selectable = TRUE; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $remoteAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $scriptName = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $scriptFolder = substr($scriptName, 0, strrpos($scriptName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 1); $b_verbose = ( strpos($scriptName, 'verbose') !== FALSE ); $b_maintainer = array_key_exists($remoteAddr, $maintenanceAddrs); /* echo "\$maintenance = '", $maintenance, "'
\n"; echo "(\$maintenance === 'ALL') = '", ($maintenance === 'ALL'), "'
\n"; echo "\$b_maintainer = '", $b_maintainer, "'
\n"; */ if ( ($maintenance === 'ALL') or ($maintenance and ! $b_maintainer) ) { if ( $maintenance === 'ALL' ) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 503 Service Unavailable'); } echo '', $serverName. ' : ', $scriptName, ' : Server maintenance'; ?>


This server is under maintenance.
Services would be available soon.

Sorry for inconveniences.

Oleg Lodygensky
\n", " \n", " ", $serverName, " : ", $scriptName, "\n", ' ', "\n", ' \n", " \n", " \n"; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : $serverName called from $remoteAddr
\n", " $scriptName : Server Protocol : '$server_protocol'
\n", " $scriptName : Request method : '$request_method'
\n", " $scriptName : Path Info : '$path_info'
\n", " $scriptName : Query string : '$query_string'
\n", " $scriptName : Arguments : ", count($arguments), " : '", implode("' '", $arguments), "'
\n", " $scriptName : "; var_dump($arg_vars); echo "
\n", "
\n", " $scriptName : HTTPS : '$https'
\n", " $scriptName : Forw. Protocol : '$forw_protocol'
\n", " $scriptName : Forw. SSL : '$forw_ssl'
\n", " $scriptName : SSL Protocol : '$ssl_protocol'
\n", " $scriptName : Request Protocol : HTTP", ($is_HTTPS ? 'S' : ''), "
\n"; } if ( ! $is_HTTPS ) { echo " $scriptName : NOT called using HTTPS
\n"; return; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyse X509 certificate of the Client --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $ssl_client_cert = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']; $x509_issuer = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_I_DN']; $x509_subject = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN']; $x509_verified = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY']; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo "
\n", " $scriptName : SSL Client Cert : ", (empty($ssl_client_cert) ? 'Absent' : 'Present '), "
\n", " $scriptName : X509 Issuer : '$x509_issuer'
\n", " $scriptName : X509 Subject : '$x509_subject'
\n", " $scriptName : X509 verified : '$x509_verified'
\n"; } if ( ($x509_verified === 'NONE') or empty($x509_issuer) or empty($x509_subject) ) { echo " $scriptName : NO verified X509 certificate
\n"; return; } if ( isset($ssl_client_cert) ) { $cert_data = openssl_x509_parse($ssl_client_cert); $common_name = ( is_array($cert_data['subject']['CN']) ? $cert_data['subject']['CN'][0] : $cert_data['subject']['CN']); if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : Common Name : '$common_name'
\n"; } } echo ' ', $x509_subject, '  ', "\n", '   XtremWeb-HEP Billing :   ', $view, "
\n"; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verify that the PHP function permitting to connect to MySQL is available. When using 'yum', this function is provided by the 'php-mysql' package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $mysql = 'mysqli'; $mysql_connect = $mysql.'_connect'; $mysql_connect_available = function_exists($mysql_connect); if ( ! $mysql_connect_available ) { echo " $scriptName : Function '", $mysql_connect, "' is NOT available
\n"; return; } elseif ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : Function '", $mysql_connect, "' is available
\n"; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database server, database user and schema --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $variableNames = array('dbserver', 'dbuser', 'dbschema'); if ( $b_db_selectable ) { foreach ( $variableNames as $variableName ) { ${$variableName} = $arg_vars[$variableName]; } if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : dbserver='$dbserver', ", "dbuser='$dbuser', dbschema='$dbschema'
\n"; } } $b_database_specified = TRUE; foreach ( $variableNames as $variableName ) { if ( empty(${$variableName}) ) { $b_database_specified = FALSE; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- If necessary, read database configuration file --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! $b_database_specified ) { $configFileName = 'database.conf'; $configFilePath = /* $scriptFolder. */ $configFileName; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : File '$configFilePath'
\n"; } $lines = file($configFilePath, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); if ( $lines === FALSE ) { echo " $scriptName : File '$configFilePath' : Read ERROR
\n"; return; } if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : File '$configFilePath' has ", count($lines), " lines
\n"; } foreach ( $lines as $myLine ) { $myLine = ltrim($myLine); if ( $myLine[0] === '#' ) { continue; } $tokens = explode('=', $myLine); $token0 = trim($tokens[0]); foreach ( $variableNames as $variableName ) { if ( ($variableName === $token0) and (empty(${$variableName})) ) { ${$variableName} = trim($tokens[1]); } } } unset($lines); $b_database_specified = TRUE; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a form for begin date, end date and view names --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ echo '
', "\n"; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text inputs permitting the maintainers to choose database server, database user and schema --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $b_db_selectable and $b_maintainer ) { echo ' dbserver :    \n", ' dbuser :    \n", ' dbschema :    ", "
\n", "
\n"; } /* else 'readonly style="background-color: LightGray"' /* /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text inputs for begin and end dates, and display of the correct format --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $date_pattern = '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]'; $begin_date = $arg_vars['Begin_date']; $end_date = $arg_vars['End_date']; if ( empty($begin_date) ) { $begin_date = date('Y').'-01-01'; } if ( empty($end_date) ) { $end_date = date('Y-m-d'); } echo ' Begin date :    ', "\n", ' End date :    ', "\n"; if ( ! fnmatch($date_pattern, $begin_date) or ! fnmatch($date_pattern, $end_date ) ) { $b_bad_date = TRUE; echo "The format of dates must be 'YYYY-MM-DD'"; } echo "
\n", "
\n"; if ( ! $b_database_specified ) { return; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read another database configuration file --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $configFileName = '.DS_Store'; $configFilePath = /* $scriptFolder. */ $configFileName; /* echo $scriptName, " : File '", $configFilePath, "'
\n"; */ $line = trim(file_get_contents($configFilePath, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES)); if ( $line === FALSE ) { echo " $scriptName : File '$configFilePath' : Read ERROR
\n"; return; } /* echo $scriptName, " : File '", $configFilePath, "' : '",$line,"'
\n"; */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect to MySQL --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $logmsg = " $scriptName : '$mysql_connect' to schema '$dbschema' ". "of '$dbserver' as '$dbuser' "; $retry_button = "
\n". ' '."
\n"; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo "
\n", $logmsg, "...
\n"; } $connection = $mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, implode(array_reverse(explode("n", $line))), $dbschema); if ( ! $connection ) { echo $logmsg, ": ERROR ", mysqli_connect_errno(), " :
\n", mysqli_connect_error(), "
\n", $retry_button; return; } elseif ( $b_verbose ) { echo $logmsg, "succeeded : '", mysqli_get_host_info($connection), "'
\n"; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the subject DN and the issuer DN of the Client certificate, replace quotes and blanks with underscores, then extract the tokens. Then try to calculate the XtremWeb-HEP login (NOT reliable). --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ foreach ( array('subject', 'issuer') as $stakeholder ) { $x509_stakeholder = strtr(${'x509_'.$stakeholder}, "' ", "__"); $x509_tokens[$stakeholder] = explode('/', substr($x509_stakeholder, 1)); $xw_tokens = array( 3 => NULL ); unset($xw_tokens[3]); # Next index = 4 foreach ( $x509_tokens[$stakeholder] as $num => $x509_token ) { list($field) = explode('=', $x509_token); switch ( $field ) { case 'CN' : $xw_tokens[0] = $x509_token; break; case 'OU' : $xw_tokens[1] = $x509_token; break; case 'O' : $xw_tokens[2] = $x509_token; break; case 'C' : $xw_tokens[3] = $x509_token; break; case 'emailAddress' : unset($x509_tokens[$stakeholder][$num]); break; default : $xw_tokens[] = $x509_token; break; } } ksort($xw_tokens); $xw_dn[$stakeholder] = implode(',', $xw_tokens); if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : XW $stakeholder : '", $xw_dn[$stakeholder], "'
\n"; } } $sql_query = "select userRightId, isdeleted from users where login like '%". $xw_dn['subject']."_".$xw_dn['issuer']."'"; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : SQL query='$sql_query'
\n"; } $sql_query = "select login, userRightId, isdeleted from users ". "where (login like '%". implode("%') and (login like '%", $x509_tokens['subject']). "%') and (login like '%". implode("%') and (login like '%", $x509_tokens['issuer'])."%')"; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : SQL query='$sql_query'
\n"; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verify that the DN of the Client certificate is a registered XtremWeb-HEP user --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $resultSet = mysqli_query($connection, $sql_query); if ( ! $resultSet ) { echo " $scriptName : $sql_query: ERROR ", mysqli_errno($connection), " :
\n", mysqli_error($connection), "
\n", $retry_button; return; } $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($resultSet); if ( $num_rows < 1 ) { echo " $scriptName : User NOT found --> Access NOT authorized
\n", $retry_button; return; } $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultSet); $login = $row['login']; $is_deleted = $row['isdeleted']; if ( ($is_deleted === TRUE) or ($is_deleted === 'true') ) { echo " $scriptName : User deleted --> Access NOT authorized
\n", $retry_button; return; } $userRightId = $row['userRightId']; if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : userRightId = '$userRightId'
\n"; } if ( $b_verbose ) { echo "
\n"; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Display available views. If the query string is the name of an available view, display this view. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $b_list_views = TRUE; $sql_query = 'select table_name as "'.$dbserver.'   :   '. $dbschema.'" '. 'from information_schema.tables '. "where (engine is null) and ". "(table_schema = schema()) and ". "(left(table_name, 5) = binary 'View_') and ". "(table_name not like '%_Base') and ". "(table_name not like '%_Helper')"; while ( isset($sql_query) ) { $query_view = ''; /* Permits to exit from loop */ if ( $b_verbose ) { echo " $scriptName : $sql_query
\n"; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flushing works only if the buffer is large enough (4 kB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for ( $i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++ ) { echo " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " \n"; } flush(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Query the content of the view from MySQL ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $query_time = microtime(TRUE); $resultSet = mysqli_query($connection, $sql_query/*, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT*/); $query_time = round(microtime(TRUE) - $query_time, 1); if ( ! $resultSet ) { echo " $scriptName : ", $sql_query, ": ERROR ". mysqli_errno($connection)." :
\n", mysqli_error($connection), "
\n", $retry_button; } else { $nb_rows = mysqli_num_rows($resultSet); if ( $b_list_views ) { if ( $b_verbose or ($nb_rows <= 0) ) { echo " ", ($b_verbose ? "$scriptName : " : ""), "Query on available views returned ", $nb_rows, ' rows in ', $query_time, " s
\n"; } if ( $nb_rows <= 0 ) { echo $retry_button; } } else { echo " ", ($b_verbose ? "$scriptName : " : ""), '', $view, ' :   ', 'Query returned ', $nb_rows, ' rows in ', $query_time, " s
\n", "
\n"; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Display the current view as a table ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $nb_rows > 0 ) { $b_first_row = TRUE; echo ' ', "\n"; while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultSet) ) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------- Display the table header --------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $b_first_row ) { $b_whiteSmoke = TRUE; $columns = array_keys($row); echo " \n", ' \n"; foreach ( $columns as $value ) { echo ' \n"; } echo " \n", " \n", " \n"; $b_first_row = FALSE; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------- Display the current table row --------------------------------------------------------------*/ $b_whiteSmoke = ! ( $b_list_views or $b_whiteSmoke); echo ' \n"; foreach ( $row as $value ) { echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- Terminate the table ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ echo " \n", "
', $value, "
"; if ( strncmp($value, 'View_', 5) != 0 ) { echo (isset($value) ? $value : ' '); } else { echo ''; if ( $value === $view ) { $query_view = $view; } } echo "
\n"; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ If the current view is the list of views, then terminate the form ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $b_list_views ) { echo "
\n"; } } mysqli_free_result($resultSet); $b_list_views = FALSE; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ If the user has selected a view, build the associated query string ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( empty($query_view) or $b_bad_date ) { unset($sql_query); } else { $sql_query = "select * from ".$query_view; /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Restrict to records belonging to the current user ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $userRightId < $userRightId_SuperUser ) { unset($customer_title); if ( strpos($query_view, 'View_Customer') === 0 ) { $customer_title = 'CustomerAccount'; } elseif ( strpos($query_view, 'View_Billing_') === 0 ) { $customer_title = ( strpos($query_view, '_With_Long_Titles') ? 'CustomerAccount' : 'Cust' ); } if ( isset($customer_title) ) { $sql_query .= " where ( (".$customer_title." = '".$login."')"; $sql_query .= ( strpos($dbschema, "test") !== FALSE ? " or (".$customer_title." = 'oleg') )" : " )" ); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Restrict to records between begin and end dates ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Day' ) { $sql_query .= " and (Day >= '".$begin_date."')". " and (Day <= '".$end_date ."')"; } elseif ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Day_With_Long_Titles' ) { $sql_query .= " and (BillingDay >= '".$begin_date."')". " and (BillingDay <= '".$end_date ."')"; } elseif ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Hour' ) { $sql_query .= " and (left(Hour, 10) >= '".$begin_date."')". " and (left(Hour, 10) <= '".$end_date ."')"; } elseif ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Hour_With_Long_Titles' ) { $sql_query .= " and (left(BillingHour, 10) >= '".$begin_date."')". " and (left(BillingHour, 10) <= '".$end_date ."')"; } elseif ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Month' ) { $sql_query .= " and (Month >= '".substr($begin_date, 0, 7)."')". " and (Month <= '".substr($end_date , 0, 7)."')"; } elseif ( $query_view === 'View_Billing_By_Month_With_Long_Titles' ) { $sql_query .= " and (BillingMonth >= '".substr($begin_date, 0, 7)."')". " and (BillingMonth <= '".substr($end_date , 0, 7)."')"; } elseif ( strpos($query_view, 'View_Billing_Details') === 0 ) { $sql_query .= " and (left(completedDate, 10) >= '".$begin_date."')". " and (left(completedDate, 10) <= '".$end_date ."')"; } } } mysqli_close($connection); echo " \n"; echo "\n"; ?>