Packages | |
com.icl.saxon | This package provides the core classes of the SAXON XSLT library. |
com.icl.saxon.aelfred | This package is a modified version of the AElfred XML parser from www.microstar.com. |
com.icl.saxon.charcode | This package provides classes for handling different output chacaracter sets. |
com.icl.saxon.expr | This package provides classes associated with XPath expression handling. |
com.icl.saxon.exslt | |
com.icl.saxon.functions | This package provides implementations of all the supplied functions for use in XPath expressions. |
com.icl.saxon.handlers | Package overview: com.icl.saxon.handlers |
com.icl.saxon.jdom | |
com.icl.saxon.number | This package provides classes associated with numbering and the xsl:number element |
com.icl.saxon.om | This package defines the interface to the Saxon tree structure. |
com.icl.saxon.output | This package provides classes associated with producing the output of a stylesheet. |
com.icl.saxon.pattern | This package provides classes associated with XSLT pattern handling. |
com.icl.saxon.sort | This package provides utility routines for sorting: specifically, a BinaryTree implementation, a QuickSort implementation, and some Comparer objects that handle character and numeric comparisons. |
com.icl.saxon.sql | This package provides some sample extension elements for loading data into an SQL database. |
com.icl.saxon.style | This package provides classes for the various elements found in an XSL style sheet. |
com.icl.saxon.tinytree | This package is an implementation of the Saxon internal tree structure, designed to minimize memory usage, and the costs of allocating and garbage-collecting Java objects. |
com.icl.saxon.trace | This package provides an interface to Saxon tracing capabilities. |
com.icl.saxon.tree | This package defines the implementation of the Saxon tree structure. |
javax.xml | Defines core XML constants and functionality from the XML specifications. |
javax.xml.datatype | XML/Java Type Mappings. |
javax.xml.namespace | XML Namespace processing. |
javax.xml.parsers | Provides classes allowing the processing of XML documents. |
javax.xml.transform | This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result. |
javax.xml.transform.dom | This package implements DOM-specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.transform.sax | This package implements SAX2-specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.transform.stream | This package implements stream- and URI- specific transformation APIs. |
javax.xml.validation | This package provides an API for validation of XML documents. |
javax.xml.xpath | This package provides an object-model neutral API for the evaluation of XPath expressions and access to the evaluation environment. |
org.w3c.xsl |