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Geant4 User's Guide For Application Developers User Actions |
Within a concrete implementation of G4UserEventAction, the SetUserEventInformation() method of G4EventManager may be used to set a pointer of a concrete class object to G4Event, given that the G4Event object is available only by "pointer to const". Alternatively, the user may modify the GenerateEvent() method of his/her own RunManager to instantiate a G4VUserEventInformation object and set it to G4Event.
The concrete class object is deleted by the Geant4 kernel when the
associated G4Event object is deleted.
Within a concrete implementation of G4UserTrackingAction, the
SetUserTrackInformation() method of G4TrackingManager may be used
to set a pointer of a concrete class object to G4Track,
given that the G4Track object is available only by "pointer to const".
The ideal place to copy a G4VUserTrackInformation object from a mother track
to its daughter tracks is G4UserTrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction().
The concrete class object is deleted by the Geant4 kernel when the
associated G4Track object is deleted. In case the user wants to keep
the information, it should be copied to a trajectory corresponding to
the track.
The concrete class objects are deleted by the Geant4 Kernel when the
associated G4PrimaryVertex or G4PrimaryParticle class objects are deleted
along with the deletion of G4Event.
The following code is an example of a stepping action. Here, a track is
suspended when it enters the "calorimeter region" from the "tracker region".
6.3.2 G4VUserTrackInformation
This is an abstract class from which the user can derive his/her own
concrete class for storing user information associated with a G4Track
class object. It is the user's responsibility to construct a concrete
class object and set the pointer to the proper G4Track object.
void RE01TrackingAction::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* aTrack)
G4TrackVector* secondaries = fpTrackingManager->GimmeSecondaries();
RE01TrackInformation* info = (RE01TrackInformation*)(aTrack->GetUserInformation());
size_t nSeco = secondaries->size();
for(size_t i=0; i < nSeco; i++)
RE01TrackInformation* infoNew = new RE01TrackInformation(info);
Source listing 6.3.1
Copying G4VUserTrackInformation from mother to daughter tracks
6.3.3 G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation and G4VUserPrimaryTrackInformation
These abstract classes allow the user to attach information regarding the
generated primary vertex and primary particle. Concrete class objects derived
from these classes should be attached to G4PrimaryVertex and
G4PrimaryParticle class objects, respectively.
6.3.4 G4VUserRegionInformation
This abstract base class allows the user to attach information associated
with a region. For example, it would be quite beneficial to add some methods
returning a boolean flag to indicate the characteristics of the region
(e.g. tracker, calorimeter, etc.). With this example, the user can easily and
quickly identify the detector component.
class RE01RegionInformation : public G4VUserRegionInformation
void Print() const;
G4bool isWorld;
G4bool isTracker;
G4bool isCalorimeter;
inline void SetWorld(G4bool v=true) {isWorld = v;}
inline void SetTracker(G4bool v=true) {isTracker = v;}
inline void SetCalorimeter(G4bool v=true) {isCalorimeter = v;}
inline G4bool IsWorld() const {return isWorld;}
inline G4bool IsTracker() const {return isTracker;}
inline G4bool IsCalorimeter() const {return isCalorimeter;}
Source listing 6.3.2
A sample region information class
void RE01SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step * theStep)
// Suspend a track if it is entering into the calorimeter
// check if it is alive
G4Track * theTrack = theStep->GetTrack();
if(theTrack->GetTrackStatus()!=fAlive) { return; }
// get region information
G4StepPoint * thePrePoint = theStep->GetPreStepPoint();
G4LogicalVolume * thePreLV = thePrePoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
RE01RegionInformation* thePreRInfo
= (RE01RegionInformation*)(thePreLV->GetRegion()->GetUserInformation());
G4StepPoint * thePostPoint = theStep->GetPostStepPoint();
G4LogicalVolume * thePostLV = thePostPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
RE01RegionInformation* thePostRInfo
= (RE01RegionInformation*)(thePostLV->GetRegion()->GetUserInformation());
// check if it is entering to the calorimeter volume
if(!(thePreRInfo->IsCalorimeter()) && (thePostRInfo->IsCalorimeter()))
{ theTrack->SetTrackStatus(fSuspend); }
Source listing 6.3.2
Sample use of a region information class
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