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For Application Developers
8.1 Introduction to Visualization

The Geant4 visualization system was developed in response to a diverse set of requirements:
  1. Quick response to study geometries, trajectories and hits
  2. High-quality output for publications
  3. Flexible camera control to debug complex geometries
  4. Tools to show volume overlap errors in detector geometries
  5. Interactive picking to get more information on visualized objects

No one graphics system is ideal for all of these requirements, and many of the large software frameworks into which Geant4 has been incorporated already have their own visualization systems, so Geant4 visualization was designed around an abstract interface that supports a diverse family of graphics systems. Some of these graphics systems use a graphics library compiled with Geant4, such as OpenGL, while others involve a separate application, such as WIRED or DAWN.

8.1.1 What Can be Visualized

Simulation data can be visualized: Other user defined objects can be visualized:

8.1.2 You have a Choice of Visualization Drivers

The many graphics systems that Geant4 supports are complementary to each other.

8.1.3 Choose the Driver that Meets Your Needs

8.1.4 Controlling Visualization

Your Geant4 code stays basically the same no matter which driver you use.

Visualization is performed either with commands or from C++ code.

8.1.5 Visualization Details

The following sections of this guide cover the details of Geant4 visualization:

Other useful references for Geant4 visualization outside of this user guide:

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