Class NodeSetExtent

  extended bycom.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
      extended bycom.icl.saxon.expr.Value
          extended bycom.icl.saxon.expr.NodeSetValue
              extended bycom.icl.saxon.expr.NodeSetExtent
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.w3c.dom.NodeList, Sortable

public final class NodeSetExtent
extends NodeSetValue
implements Sortable, org.w3c.dom.NodeList

A node-set value implemented extensionally. This class also implements the DOM NodeList interface - though this will only work if the nodes themselves implement the DOM Node interface (which is true of the two Saxon tree models, but not necessarily of all possible implementations).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Value
Fields inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
Constructor Summary
NodeSetExtent(NodeEnumeration enm, NodeOrderComparer comparer)
          Construct a node-set containing all the nodes in a NodeEnumeration.
NodeSetExtent(NodeInfo[] nodes, NodeOrderComparer comparer)
          Construct a node-set given the set of nodes as an array
NodeSetExtent(NodeOrderComparer comparer)
          Construct an empty node set
NodeSetExtent(java.util.Vector nodes, NodeOrderComparer comparer)
          Construct a node-set given the set of nodes as a Vector
Method Summary
 void append(NodeInfo node)
          Append a node to the node-set.
 boolean asBoolean()
          Evaluate as a boolean.
 java.lang.String asString()
          Convert to string value
 int compare(int a, int b)
          Compare two nodes in document sequence (needed to implement the Sortable interface)
 NodeEnumeration enumerate()
          Return an enumeration of this nodeset value.
 int getCount()
          Count the nodes in the node-set.
 NodeInfo getFirst()
          Get the first node in the nodeset (in document order)
 int getLength()
          return the number of nodes in the list (DOM method)
 boolean isSorted()
          Test whether the value is known to be sorted
 org.w3c.dom.Node item(int index)
          Return the n'th item in the list (DOM method)
 NodeInfo selectFirst(Context context)
          Return the first node in the nodeset (in document order)
 void setSorted(boolean isSorted)
          Set a flag to indicate whether the nodes are sorted.
 Expression simplify()
          Simplify the expression
 NodeSetValue sort()
          Sort the nodes into document order.
 void swap(int a, int b)
          Swap two nodes (needed to implement the Sortable interface)
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.NodeSetValue
asNumber, compare, conversionPreference, convertToJava, display, enumerate, equals, evaluate, evaluateAsNodeSet, getDataType, notEquals
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Value
getDependencies, inverse, numericCompare, reduce, stringToNumber
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
containsReferences, evaluateAsBoolean, evaluateAsNumber, evaluateAsString, getStaticContext, indent, isContextDocumentNodeSet, make, outputStringValue, setStaticContext, usesCurrent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NodeSetExtent(NodeOrderComparer comparer)
Construct an empty node set


public NodeSetExtent(NodeInfo[] nodes,
                     NodeOrderComparer comparer)
Construct a node-set given the set of nodes as an array

nodes - An array whose elements must be NodeInfo objects
comparer - Comparer used for sorting into document order


public NodeSetExtent(java.util.Vector nodes,
                     NodeOrderComparer comparer)
Construct a node-set given the set of nodes as a Vector

nodes - a Vector whose elements must be NodeInfo objects
comparer - Comparer used for sorting into document order


public NodeSetExtent(NodeEnumeration enm,
                     NodeOrderComparer comparer)
              throws XPathException
Construct a node-set containing all the nodes in a NodeEnumeration.

enm - The supplied node enumeration. This must be positioned at the start, so that hasMoreElements() returns true if there are any nodes in the node-set, and nextElement() returns the first node.
comparer - Comparer used for sorting into document order
Method Detail


public void append(NodeInfo node)
Append a node to the node-set. This is used only when building indexes. The node-set must be sorted; the new node must follow the others in document order. The new node is not added if it is the same as the last node currently in the node-set.


public Expression simplify()
Simplify the expression

simplify in class Value
the simplified expression


public void setSorted(boolean isSorted)
Set a flag to indicate whether the nodes are sorted. Used when the creator of the node-set knows that they are already in document order.

Specified by:
setSorted in class NodeSetValue
isSorted - true if the caller wishes to assert that the nodes are in document order and do not need to be further sorted


public boolean isSorted()
Test whether the value is known to be sorted

Specified by:
isSorted in class NodeSetValue
true if the value is known to be sorted in document order, false if it is not known whether it is sorted.


public java.lang.String asString()
Convert to string value

Specified by:
asString in class NodeSetValue
the value of the first node in the node-set if there is one, otherwise an empty string


public boolean asBoolean()
                  throws XPathException
Evaluate as a boolean.

Specified by:
asBoolean in class NodeSetValue
true if the node set is not empty


public int getCount()
Count the nodes in the node-set. Note this will sort the node set if necessary, to make sure there are no duplicates.

Specified by:
getCount in class NodeSetValue


public NodeSetValue sort()
Sort the nodes into document order. This does nothing if the nodes are already known to be sorted; to force a sort, call setSorted(false)

Specified by:
sort in class NodeSetValue
the same NodeSetValue, after sorting. (The reason for returning this is that it makes life easier for the XSL compiler).


public NodeInfo getFirst()
Get the first node in the nodeset (in document order)

Specified by:
getFirst in class NodeSetValue
the first node, or null if the nodeset is empty


public NodeInfo selectFirst(Context context)
Return the first node in the nodeset (in document order)

context - The context for the evaluation: not used
the NodeInfo of the first node in document order, or null if the node-set is empty.


public NodeEnumeration enumerate()
Return an enumeration of this nodeset value.

Specified by:
enumerate in class NodeSetValue


public int getLength()
return the number of nodes in the list (DOM method)

Specified by:
getLength in interface org.w3c.dom.NodeList


public org.w3c.dom.Node item(int index)
Return the n'th item in the list (DOM method)

Specified by:
item in interface org.w3c.dom.NodeList


public int compare(int a,
                   int b)
Compare two nodes in document sequence (needed to implement the Sortable interface)

Specified by:
compare in interface Sortable
<0 if obj[a]0 if obj[a]>obj[b]


public void swap(int a,
                 int b)
Swap two nodes (needed to implement the Sortable interface)

Specified by:
swap in interface Sortable