Class Date

  extended bycom.icl.saxon.exslt.Date

public final class Date
extends java.lang.Object

This class implements extension functions in the namespace.

Method Summary
static java.lang.String date()
          The date:date function returns the current date.
static java.lang.String date(java.lang.String dateTime)
          The date:date function returns the date specified in the date/time string given as the argument.
static java.lang.String dateTime()
          The date:date-time function returns the current date and time as a date/time string.
static java.lang.String dayAbbreviation()
          Return the day of the week given in the current date as an English day abbreviation: one of 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', or 'Sat'.
static java.lang.String dayAbbreviation(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day of the week given in a date as an English day abbreviation: one of 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', or 'Sat'.
static double dayInMonth()
          Return the day number of the current date within the month
static double dayInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day number of a specified date within the month
static double dayInWeek()
          Return the day of the week in the current date as a number.
static double dayInWeek(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day of the week given in a date as a number.
static double dayInYear()
          Return the day number of the current date within the year
static double dayInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day number of a specified date within the year
static java.lang.String dayName()
          Return the day of the week given in the current date as an English day name: one of 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' or 'Friday'.
static java.lang.String dayName(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day of the week given in a date as an English day name: one of 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' or 'Friday'.
static double dayOfWeekInMonth()
          Return the day-of-the-week in a month of the current date as a number (e.g.
static double dayOfWeekInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the day-of-the-week in a month of a date as a number (e.g.
static double hourInDay()
          Return the current hour of the day
static double hourInDay(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the hour of the day in the specified date or date/time
static boolean leapYear()
          Returns true if the current year is a leap year
static boolean leapYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return true if the year specified in the date/time string given as the argument is a leap year.
static double minuteInHour()
          Return the current minute of the hour
static double minuteInHour(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the minute of the hour in the specified date or date/time
static java.lang.String monthAbbreviation()
          Return the month abbreviation from the current date.
static java.lang.String monthAbbreviation(java.lang.String date)
          Return the month abbreviation from a date.
static double monthInYear()
          Return the month number from the current date.
static double monthInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the month number from a date.
static java.lang.String monthName()
          Return the month name from the current date.
static java.lang.String monthName(java.lang.String date)
          Return the month name from a date.
static double secondInMinute()
          Return the current second of the minute
static double secondInMinute(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the second of the minute in the specified date or date/time
static java.lang.String time()
          The date:time function returns the current time.
static java.lang.String time(java.lang.String dateTime)
          The date:time function returns the time specified in the date/time string given as the argument.
static double weekInMonth()
          Return the ISO week number of the current date within the month
static double weekInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the week number of a specified date within the month (Note, this function is underspecified in EXSLT)
static double weekInYear()
          Return the ISO week number of the current date within the year (Note, this returns the ISO week number: the result in EXSLT is underspecified)
static double weekInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
          Return the ISO week number of a specified date within the year (Note, this returns the ISO week number: the result in EXSLT is underspecified)
static double year()
          The date:year function returns the current year.
static double year(java.lang.String dateTime)
          The date:year function returns the year specified in the date/time string given as the argument.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static java.lang.String dateTime()
The date:date-time function returns the current date and time as a date/time string. The date/time string that's returned must be a string in the format defined as the lexical representation of xs:dateTime in [3.2.7 dateTime] of [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. The date/time format is basically CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZ. The date/time string format must include a time zone, either a Z to indicate Coordinated Universal Time or a + or - followed by the difference between the difference from UTC represented as hh:mm.


public static java.lang.String date(java.lang.String dateTime)
The date:date function returns the date specified in the date/time string given as the argument.

dateTime - must start with [+|-]CCYY-MM-DD


public static java.lang.String date()
The date:date function returns the current date.


public static java.lang.String time(java.lang.String dateTime)
The date:time function returns the time specified in the date/time string given as the argument.

dateTime - must start with [+|-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss


public static java.lang.String time()
The date:time function returns the current time.


public static double year(java.lang.String dateTime)
The date:year function returns the year specified in the date/time string given as the argument.

dateTime - must begin with CCYY


public static double year()
The date:year function returns the current year.


public static boolean leapYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return true if the year specified in the date/time string given as the argument is a leap year.


public static boolean leapYear()
Returns true if the current year is a leap year


public static double monthInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the month number from a date. The date must start with either "CCYY-MM" or "--MM"


public static double monthInYear()
Return the month number from the current date.


public static java.lang.String monthName(java.lang.String date)
Return the month name from a date. The date must start with either "CCYY-MM" or "--MM"

the English month name, e.g. "January", "February"


public static java.lang.String monthName()
Return the month name from the current date.

the English month name, e.g. "January", "February"


public static java.lang.String monthAbbreviation(java.lang.String date)
Return the month abbreviation from a date. The date must start with either "CCYY-MM" or "--MM"

the English month abbreviation, e.g. "Jan", "Feb"


public static java.lang.String monthAbbreviation()
Return the month abbreviation from the current date.

the English month abbreviation, e.g. "Jan", "Feb"


public static double weekInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the ISO week number of a specified date within the year (Note, this returns the ISO week number: the result in EXSLT is underspecified)


public static double weekInYear()
Return the ISO week number of the current date within the year (Note, this returns the ISO week number: the result in EXSLT is underspecified)


public static double weekInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the week number of a specified date within the month (Note, this function is underspecified in EXSLT)


public static double weekInMonth()
Return the ISO week number of the current date within the month


public static double dayInYear(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day number of a specified date within the year


public static double dayInYear()
Return the day number of the current date within the year


public static double dayInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day number of a specified date within the month

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DD, or --MM-DD, or ---DD


public static double dayInMonth()
Return the day number of the current date within the month


public static double dayOfWeekInMonth(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day-of-the-week in a month of a date as a number (e.g. 3 for the 3rd Tuesday in May).

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DD


public static double dayOfWeekInMonth()
Return the day-of-the-week in a month of the current date as a number (e.g. 3 for the 3rd Tuesday in May).


public static double dayInWeek(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day of the week given in a date as a number. The numbering of days of the week starts at 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on up to 7 for Saturday.

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DD


public static double dayInWeek()
Return the day of the week in the current date as a number. The numbering of days of the week starts at 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on up to 7 for Saturday.


public static java.lang.String dayName(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day of the week given in a date as an English day name: one of 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' or 'Friday'.

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DD


public static java.lang.String dayName()
Return the day of the week given in the current date as an English day name: one of 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday' or 'Friday'.


public static java.lang.String dayAbbreviation(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the day of the week given in a date as an English day abbreviation: one of 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', or 'Sat'.

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DD


public static java.lang.String dayAbbreviation()
Return the day of the week given in the current date as an English day abbreviation: one of 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', or 'Sat'.


public static double hourInDay(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the hour of the day in the specified date or date/time

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss


public static double hourInDay()
Return the current hour of the day


public static double minuteInHour(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the minute of the hour in the specified date or date/time

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss


public static double minuteInHour()
Return the current minute of the hour


public static double secondInMinute(java.lang.String dateTime)
Return the second of the minute in the specified date or date/time

dateTime - must start with CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss


public static double secondInMinute()
Return the current second of the minute