Interface Numberer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Numberer

Interface Numberer supports number formatting. There is a separate implementation for each language, e.g. Numberer_en for English. This supports the xsl:number element

Method Summary
 java.lang.String format(int number, java.lang.String picture, int groupSize, java.lang.String groupSeparator, java.lang.String letterValue)
          Format a number into a string

Method Detail


public java.lang.String format(int number,
                               java.lang.String picture,
                               int groupSize,
                               java.lang.String groupSeparator,
                               java.lang.String letterValue)
Format a number into a string

number - The number to be formatted
picture - The format specification. This is a single component of the format attribute of xsl:number, e.g. "1", "01", "i", or "a"
groupSize - number of digits per group (0 implies no grouping)
groupSeparator - string to appear between groups of digits
letterValue - as defined in xsl:number ("alphabetic" or "traditional" or "")
the formatted number