Class EmptyEnumeration

All Implemented Interfaces:
AxisEnumeration, LastPositionFinder, NodeEnumeration

public class EmptyEnumeration
extends java.lang.Object
implements AxisEnumeration

EmptyEnumeration: an enumeration of an empty node-set

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static EmptyEnumeration getInstance()
          Return an instance of an EmptyEnumeration
 int getLastPosition()
          Get the last position
 boolean hasMoreElements()
          Determine whether there are more nodes to come.
 boolean isPeer()
          Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be peers, that is, no node is a descendant or ancestor of another node.
 boolean isReverseSorted()
          Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be in reverse document order.
 boolean isSorted()
          Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be in document order
 NodeInfo nextElement()
          Get the next node in sequence.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EmptyEnumeration()
Method Detail


public static EmptyEnumeration getInstance()
Return an instance of an EmptyEnumeration


public boolean hasMoreElements()
Description copied from interface: AxisEnumeration
Determine whether there are more nodes to come.
(Note the term "Element" is used here in the sense of the standard Java Enumeration class, it has nothing to do with XML elements).

Specified by:
hasMoreElements in interface AxisEnumeration
true if there are more nodes


public NodeInfo nextElement()
Description copied from interface: AxisEnumeration
Get the next node in sequence.
(Note the term "Element" is used here in the sense of the standard Java Enumeration class, it has nothing to do with XML elements).

Specified by:
nextElement in interface AxisEnumeration
the next NodeInfo


public boolean isSorted()
Description copied from interface: NodeEnumeration
Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be in document order

Specified by:
isSorted in interface NodeEnumeration
true if the nodes are guaranteed to be in document order.


public boolean isReverseSorted()
Description copied from interface: NodeEnumeration
Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be in reverse document order.

Specified by:
isReverseSorted in interface NodeEnumeration
true if the nodes are guaranteed to be in document order.


public boolean isPeer()
Description copied from interface: NodeEnumeration
Determine whether the nodes returned by this enumeration are known to be peers, that is, no node is a descendant or ancestor of another node. This significance of this property is that if a peer enumeration is applied to each node in a set derived from another peer enumeration, and if both enumerations are sorted, then the result is also sorted.

Specified by:
isPeer in interface NodeEnumeration


public int getLastPosition()
Description copied from interface: AxisEnumeration
Get the last position

Specified by:
getLastPosition in interface AxisEnumeration