Class NamespaceTest

  extended bycom.icl.saxon.pattern.Pattern
      extended bycom.icl.saxon.pattern.NodeTest
          extended bycom.icl.saxon.pattern.NamespaceTest

public final class NamespaceTest
extends NodeTest

NodeTest is an interface that enables a test of whether a node has a particular name and type. A NamespaceTest matches the node type and the namespace URI.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.icl.saxon.pattern.Pattern
originalText, staticContext
Constructor Summary
NamespaceTest(NamePool pool, short nodeType, short uriCode)
Method Summary
 double getDefaultPriority()
          Determine the default priority of this node test when used on its own as a Pattern
 short getNodeType()
          Determine the types of nodes to which this pattern applies.
 boolean matches(NodeInfo node)
          Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node
 boolean matches(short nodeType, int fingerprint)
          Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.pattern.NodeTest
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.pattern.Pattern
getFingerprint, getLineNumber, getStaticContext, getSystemId, make, setOriginalText, setStaticContext, simplify, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NamespaceTest(NamePool pool,
                     short nodeType,
                     short uriCode)
Method Detail


public final boolean matches(NodeInfo node)
Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node

Specified by:
matches in class NodeTest


public boolean matches(short nodeType,
                       int fingerprint)
Test whether this node test is satisfied by a given node

Specified by:
matches in class NodeTest
nodeType - The type of node to be matched
fingerprint - identifies the expanded name of the node to be matched


public final double getDefaultPriority()
Determine the default priority of this node test when used on its own as a Pattern

getDefaultPriority in class Pattern


public short getNodeType()
Determine the types of nodes to which this pattern applies. Used for optimisation. For patterns that match nodes of several types, return NodeInfo.NODE

getNodeType in class Pattern
the type of node matched by this pattern. e.g. NodeInfo.ELEMENT or NodeInfo.TEXT