Interface Binding

All Known Implementing Classes:
XSLParam, XSLVariable

public interface Binding

Binding is a interface used to mark objects that represent a variable declaration

Method Summary
 Value constantValue()
          Get the value of the variable, if known statically.
 int getDataType()
          Get the data type, if known statically.
 int getSlotNumber()
          Determine a slot number for the variable.
 int getVariableFingerprint()
          Establish the fingerprint of the name of this variable.
 java.lang.String getVariableName()
          Get the name of the variable, to use in diagnostics
 boolean isAssignable()
          Determine whether the variable is assignable using saxon:assign
 boolean isGlobal()
          Determine whether this variable is global

Method Detail


public boolean isGlobal()
Determine whether this variable is global


public java.lang.String getVariableName()
Get the name of the variable, to use in diagnostics


public int getVariableFingerprint()
Establish the fingerprint of the name of this variable.


public int getSlotNumber()
Determine a slot number for the variable.


public int getDataType()
Get the data type, if known statically. This will be a value such as Value.BOOLEAN, Value.STRING. If the data type is not known statically, return Value.ANY.


public Value constantValue()
Get the value of the variable, if known statically. If the value is not known statically, return null.


public boolean isAssignable()
Determine whether the variable is assignable using saxon:assign