Interface NodeHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
ElementHandler, XSLTemplate

public interface NodeHandler

This abstract class defines the node handler interface used by SAXON. This is used to handle all kinds of nodes: elements, character data, and attributes

Method Summary
 boolean needsStackFrame()
          Optimization hint to allow a handler to declare that it needs no stack space for local variables and parameters
 void start(NodeInfo node, Context context)
          Define action to be taken at the start of a node.
This method must be implemented in a subclass.

Method Detail


public void start(NodeInfo node,
                  Context context)
           throws TransformerException
Define action to be taken at the start of a node.
This method must be implemented in a subclass.

node - The NodeInfo object for the current node.
SAXException - Aborts the parse
See Also:


public boolean needsStackFrame()
Optimization hint to allow a handler to declare that it needs no stack space for local variables and parameters