Overview Contents Previous Next Geant4 User's Documents 
Version: Geant4 8.2 December 2006

Geant4 User's Guide
- For Application Developers -

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Geant4 - Running a Simple Example
    1. How to Define the main() Program
    2. How to Define a Detector Geometry
    3. How to Specify Materials in the Detector
    4. How to Specify Particles
    5. How to Specify Physics Processes
    6. How to Generate a Primary Event
    7. How to Make an Executable Program
    8. How to Set Up an Interactive Session
    9. How to Execute a Program
    10. How to Visualize the Detector and Events

  3. Toolkit Fundamentals
    1. Class Categories and Domains
    2. Global Usage Classes
    3. System of Units
    4. Run
    5. Event
    6. Event Generator Interface
    7. Event Biasing Techniques

  4. Detector Definition and Response
    1. Geometry
    2. Material
    3. Electromagnetic Field
    4. Hits
    5. Digitization
    6. Object Persistency
    7. Parallel Geometries

  5. Tracking and Physics
    1. Tracking
    2. Physics Processes
    3. Particles
    4. Production Threshold vs. Tracking Cut
    5. Cuts per Region
    6. Physics tables
    7. User limits

  6. User Actions
    1. Mandatory User Actions and Initializations
    2. Optional User Actions
    3. User Information Classes

  7. Communication and Control
    1. Built-in Commands
    2. User Interface - Defining New Commands

  8. Visualization
    1. Introduction to Visualization
    2. Adding Visualization to Your Executable
    3. The Visualization Drivers
    4. Controlling Visualization from Commands
    5. Controlling Visualization from Compiled Code
    6. Visualization Attributes
    7. Enhanced Trajectory Drawing
    8. Filtering
    9. Polylines, Markers and Text
    10. Making a Movie

  9. Examples
    1. Novice Examples
    2. Extended Examples
    3. Advanced Examples

  10. Appendix
    1. Tips for the program compilation
    2. Histogramming
    3. CLHEP Foundation Library for HEP
    4. C++ Standard template library
    5. Makefiles and Environment Variables
    6. Build for MS Visual C++
    7. Development and debug tools

About the authors